larxene stood behind chrystale and started shaking her head at the same time as making her hands make movements to make the idea she had a screw lose
"well all i need is a strong heart i suppose sora will suffice"chase said flicking his fingers and nine dots appeared on soras for headand they turned diagonal and glowed blue sora then turned into a lion cub "he is under my control now and just so i have an upper handif you want to fight i am not going to be out numbered RING OF NINE DRAGONS"chase said and 9 different versions of him appeared
"no i dont have one of those but it would make me forget you wouldnt it?"larxene asked
chase grabbed sora and dragged him through the portal and stood on him "you have a decision to make either you let me get that dragon or you get me a peice of kingdom hearts if you dont choose one of those options poor naminé will be my trophy so whats yor choice
"sora its me larxene and chrystale is-"larxene looed around "not here but that probably means shes gone to die but what can i do to stop her"larxene asked herself then remembered xehanort had said years ago "if you ever need to turn back the clock turn this one""thats what he said and he gave a minature cookoo clock that was in her pocket right then "ok lets test this out"she said turning the second hand backward and sure enough sora had just repeated what he had said so larxene turned it back to 4 days ago
"chase isnt there any substitute for a dragon?"sora asked chase sighed "if you can get me a small fraction of kingdom hearts then yes dragons are known for their strong hearts if you can get me a peice of kingdom hearts then that would count as a strong heart"chase said "sora lets go back to your freinds and see what your final decision is GOLDEN TIGER CLAWS"chase said transformiming back to his human form
larxene waled through her portal and saw soraand kairi "hey guys you know who i am right and does the name chrystale ring any bells?"larxene asked
"well actually i have to cook the dragon with the other ingredients but yeah thats the basic idea anyway sora you will help me find this dragon"chase said closing his eyes and pointed at sora then opened his eyes again "thank you i sure hope mulans working today GOLDEN TIGER CLAWS"chase said opening a portal and walking through sora jumped in after him ooc:chase does have weapons they are called shen-gong-wu they are items with magic powers like the eye of doshi shoots lightning the orb of toonami shoots waterthe golden tiger claws open portals
"all i'm trying to say is dont try changing history again but anyway lets go see the others"larxene said opening a portal "you can go first"
"yes a dragon you see i made a deal with the devil i sold my soul for a potion except i had to get the ingredients 3 diced carrots 5 mangos 9 frogs and 1 whole dragon the potion will make me eternally youthful"chase said
one of the robots blew up causing the all of the other to fall down except one who now looked ready to play ice hockey even had a gigantic hockey stick made out of rock sarena screamed as the other robots now looked the same
a robot just picked up kairi and put her on top of the highest steepest cliff and kicked sarena some more "mom help me pease i will stay hiding with you"sarena said as her back was thrown against the cliff
"i didnt say you had to fight yuo could just walk away and i can take more worlds in search of a dragon a whole dragon but if you really want to fight then before i fight i ask you where can i find a whole dragon sora?"chase asked "he's not sora i am"sora said summoning his keyblade "and i dont know where to find a dragon and i dont know that there is one in the land of dragons"sora said "ok thank you now i shall get this dragon for my potion"chase said as though he had forgotten about fighting and he started to walk away
"look xemnas carved letters into my skin or maybe it was xehanort trying to take control either way i read them out loud thats all i just want this stupid sharade you have to live by your mistakes because they make the good things in life so much sweeter"larxene said as if nobody had even spoken in between what larxene had said
"are you trying to say you'd rather fight?well then i accept your little challenge"chase said getting out a bowl with something steaming inside "orikami soup i always have a bowl before victory you just you watch my transformation when i'm finished"he said drinking from the bowl sora started attacking but chase just blocked the attacks with his free arm "you fight well"chase said finishing the bowl and throwing it the bowl landed on soras head chase transformed ooc:just so we know what chase looks like here are the pictures the human is him normal the lizard is the transformed version
"well maybe xemnas was trying to tell me something when he made that scar on my arm wods i didnt understand anyway here goes"larxene said pulling her sleeve back and reading out loud the words and there was a bright light and everything seemed alot more dull "did it work?"larxene asked ooc:i like crazy hamsters that dance!!!
"oh if i must"larxene/chase said letting go of kairi and started to fall to the floor chase young walked out of naminé and caght her before she fell "i shall claim the girl as a trophy to prove i got mixed up with the keyblade bearer"chase said and started to walk away with naminé in his arms
"what why?oh right xemnas never went to xemnas wait chrystale all you've really don is made a parralell world right i mean everything is opposite sora wont be a keyblade bearer nor riku kairi wont have found out shes the princess of hearts so all we have to do is get back to the original world or reality whatever it is"larxene said