Sup guyz???????????
I edited one of mine a week ago.
I defended crocker when everyone was bullying him Then people bullied me here T_T
Dude stfu!
thats... nice...
What would make you think I have the power to edit youtube *shifty eyez* ssssssshhhhhhhhhhhhh!
Triple click on it in the choose a thread page (doesn't always work) Doctor octagodapus blleeeuuuugh
You just did, 101
Yes . . .
. . .
^sorry yes. < >_>_<_< V Q= Yay for re-post bumpage?
He' just... ya know... Cool. Like Sephiroth just... better *runz*
Whhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Vincent Vincent Vincent
*appears... again* Okayz.
*Appears again* COFFIN! Uhhh. vincent. Coffin. Vincent. Coffin. I cant decide!!!!!!!!!! *'splodes*
risk found a potion +3651654839027680187476892927487885435473657450319 xp Risk is now lvl 99 Risk learnd Remora Strike. Risk uses Remora Strike Risk kills everyone. Wild glitch appeared. Wild Glitch uses delete game. Your disk is now blank *black screen*