Ok so I'm in the Henne Mines (SP?) and whenever I change the gates slimes come down and kill me. how can I stop this happening? Stats: Basch: lvl 22 (3 quickenings) Vaan: lvl 22 (3 quickenings, 1 esper/yahri) Fran: lvl 22 ((3 quickenings) Larsa: lvl 21 (obviously) Equips: Basch: Iron Hammer - attack power 54 - no element. Buckler: evade 10 topkapi hat: magick resist 8 Scale armour: Defense 9 accessory: jade collar - increases chance of evading attacks Vaan: Demonsbane - Attack Power - 59 - no elements bronze shield: Evade 12 Sallet: magick resist 7 I\ron Armour: Defense 11 Manufacted Nethicite : HALF damange from ALL elements =) Fran:: Longbow : attack power 39 Onion arrows: attack power 1 headguard: Magick resist 6 Bronzr Armour: defense 7 Bangl: gives libra effect. Magicks: Cure, poisona, Blindna, Raise, Cura, Vox,Stona Regen, Curaga, Esuna,Fire, Thunder, Blizzard, Water, break, disable, immobilize, slow, reflect, warp, Protect, Blind, sleep, silence
I posted this ages ago. STOP RIPPING ME!
... Sure :D
Lets get this party started with sooooooooome fiddle. *fiddle owned by boy with emo hair in middle of room explodes* THE DEVIL MUST BE IN THIS FIDDLE! warning, due to creative recreation the rest of this story will happen in musical format Viewer discretion is advised. "The devil's in the fiddle and things are not ok he's telling me that you should listen to what shes got to say shes gunna make jabez pay" "what?" "Foreshadowiiiiiiing" *door flies in* "Scrach, you devioud luchadour, (SP?) what do you want scrach?" "hey jabez I'm here to say that your time one this earth is fading away you sold me your soul 10 years ago and now I'm ere to say that your fates in my hands and your going to hell and now I'm heeeerreeee. To take your soul" Can be bothered to type the rest.
but sora13 is my owner.
NOOO not again!! *kicked*
You tell 'em
I'm a cat...
I wish I had no emotions. *sigh*
Congratulations! Your body is 47% effective as a human shield
*just happens to have sent nukes at canada*
Shut up and scream that you hate someone. Or be happy. Or something. :sideways:
The face of doom! *runz* *In a room on my own* MAKE THE FACE GO AWAY *smashes head on wall* ... I needed that *comes out* STFU!
He's a bum, right?
I can prove you worng *points to sora 13* *hisses "show emotion NOW!" at Sora 13*
*deppression* Dont toy with my emotions!
I dont know its not
I'm a girl NO seriously! I am I mean it, I'm a girl[/opposite day] Just ask master of the onyx flame for proof.