Too much infomation there missy. But I think I found a good Xyz Deck to play in this Arena!
StardustXtremeEiji Hino/Kamen Rider OOO (Kamen Rider OOO)Ichigo Kurosaki (Bleach)Captain Marvelous/GokaiRed (Kaizoku Sentai Gokaiger)Tsukasa Kadoya/Kamen Rider Decade (Kamen Rider Decade)Noel Kriess (Final Fantasy XIII-2)Dean Stark (Wild Arms 5)Black Mage (8-Bit Theatre)Ventus (Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep)Zidane Tribal (Final Fantasy IX/Dissida Duodecim)Tidus (Final Fantasy X/Dissida Duodecim)Shotaro Hidari & Phillip/ Kamen RiderDouble (Kamen Rider Double)Tsunayoshi Sawada (Katekyo Hitamn Reborn!)Takuya Kanbara (Digimon Frontier)Narutaki (Kamen Rider Decade) StardustXtremeJude Maverick (Wild Arms 4)Yu Narukami (Persona 4: the Animation)Gentaro Kisaragi/Kamen Rider Fourze (Kamen Rider Fourze)Haruto Souma/Kamen Rider Wizard (Kamen Rider Wizard)
Janemba.... That was...Fusion Reborn Movie I believe? Been a long while since I watched DBZ .... well apart from TeamFourStar's Abridged Series that breathes new life into it. I am also reserving. Gentaro Kisaragi/Kamen Rider Fourze Haruto Souma/Kamen Rider Wizard (Not the Sohma's from Fruits Basket!)
Meh I need a good pic of a monowheel Dean had, that was a good picture.
Not to be rude to the his Droidness...oh that was good I gotta write that nickname down. -Writes it down on a piece of paper- But if Smash is indeed banned, there is the problem of the characters he used and what they were initally doing.
I hear that
Did edit it by then.
I did.
Dean a s kid, ,he'll go meteor drive again.
Wakka had led Tidus to a lake or a river and did push him in before making him yield to being par tof the Aurochs but then they were heading for the village as they were tlaking about the victory call for the team, Tidus decided on Victory itself and that did kind of give Wakka inspired and more hope than before, how he never thought of it, it was ove rhis head, he did show the young man the prayer before heading off his house, pointing the young blonde to the Crusader's Lodge for help on learning what they were but the teen soon returned after a few hours perhaps, looking bushed and tired. "Take a nap, you look bushed." he offered a sthe blonde did so without much complaints as food wasn't ready yet andhe was called ot the temple about soemthing.
~Castle Oblivion, B1F Exit- Harold heard Vexen's question and thought about it. "If you're saying Hermione's and Doppelganger's wands hold in the same core in that respect..." his eyes widened considerbly, he read about this and raised his hand and slamme dit down upon the ground, forcing the magic to flow through the ground and with it, he was silently commanded hsi magci to send Hermione's wand back into her hand. "Hermione, cast at the Killing Curse, it'll cause Priori Incantatem!" He said aloud. "What? the hell is Priority what-you-call-it?" Marvelous asked and Harry turned to face them. "Priori Incantatem is a magical phenomenon that can occur when two wands which share the same source for their cores are forced to compete in combat. It is sometimes referred to as the "reverse-spell effect." He explained. ~Digimon Crew~ Tsuna now taken more of notice of the people in the group and strange monsters, one looking liek a creampuff with big ears, a red dinosaur witha strange sign on his chest, most likely the Hazard sign people for dangerous terms, but the boy with a blue jacket and shorts with unusally goggles on hsi ehad even though it wasn't time to swim, seemed to be at least 13-14 at best. He looked to the females now, one was what seemed to be a loner with his pineapple like head, it remidned him of Mukuro scarily, but she wore a t-shirt with a blue heart on it, but she seemd to eb cold and aloof, like Hibari, he turned his attention to Zoe, she looked liek she wore pink in small qualites, but prefered a striped shirt and such, if anything, they were probably all in school liek him, but he didn't recongize them from his school, they did mentiona Digital World, whatever that was. "Then I suppose we should team up together until we run into people who know where we are?" Tsuna suggested to them rather politely. ~Ruined City~ "Blondie? Me?" Tidus asked in confusion and Zidane rolled his eyes. "No she means me, of course you Tidus!" he said and Tidus looked at him. "Fine, but I still don't trust Seymour as far as my arm for that matter." he said and Noel cupped his chin. "He's not asking you to trust him, besides the more allies we have, the more chance we may provide a counter offensive to the Reapers." He said. ~Fields of Solenna~ Ventus felt a shiver go down his spine, he had a feeling someone just created the fear he fears the most as Takuya walked alongside them. ~The 8-Bit Party- "This better be worth the sanity I'm clinging onto, cause the time I spent in the Evil Council of All Villians was perhaps the happiest moment of my life, I finally had people to relate to and compliment them for their deeds." He grumbled and looked at them. "So did this Prophet or whatever he was called, Naruto, Naruko, Narutard or whatever actually give you a map or directions to this Decade?" he asked them. ~Narutaki's whereabouts~ A silvery veil appeared before the DIgimon Crew and out stepped Narutaki, he just had a feeling he was goign to regret asking children to deal with Decade but teh knowledge of all ALternate Realites or Worlds did help. "I may be able to help with your current situation." he said to them. ~Dean Stark~ A engine was heard in the Tunnels and out from from the darkness was a Monowheel with someone driving it. "Break, break, BREAK!" He said in a rather distressed tone and he managed to pulled on the breaks, coming to a stop before colliding with anyone mere feet away and he sbreathed a sigh of relief. "Whew...close one huh!" he said and took note of who he come across, he regcongized Ashley from the Disgaea Bar. "Hey, you're that guy from a different Filgaia!" he said in surprise before covering his ears not to be caught in the song of Tear's.
Besides the Doctor is like 912 Years Old and he's still as a yougn as... a normal human being,, the oldest Character I had is probably Inuyasha who was probabaly 50+ despite still looking young.
~Castle Oblivion, B1F~ "I've learnt first impressions can be deceiving beforehand" Harold pointed out to them. "You don't seem surprised." Marvelosu said and harold crossed hsi arms. "Of course, , there are perhaps even things my realites Hermione is capable of that I don't even know, I don't make it a personal thing to know everything about my friends, their personal secrets or skills are for them to decide if I should know, after all, people have things they prefer to hdie away, everyone does." Harold pointed out. ~Fields of Solenna~ Takuya followed Ventus and Aqua, he did notice the older woman hold the boy's hand, perhaps they were that close of being friends or soemthing more? He didn't bother to go and ask, it wasn't something one say so casually, unless your were a perosn who stuck his nose where it didn't belong, he stared at his D-Tector for a bit, poking buttons, when he was stuck in Sakkakumon, Zoe somehow managed to commuicate with him and he was now trying to attempt it sicne before, everyoen was usually together. ~Ruined City~ Tidus merely glared at Seymour. ~Deep Forest~ Tsukasa merely lead on and Eiji looked very wary, he did hold if not all the Core Medals apart from hermione holding the Reptile Combo and the Imagin and SHocker Medals whiel Ankh had his own medals. "Where are we heading to anyway?" Shotaro asked and Tsukasa looked over his shoulder. "Somewhere where we can either get more reinforcements to bring down the Reapers or see if there any survivors." He said and kept going. ~Vast Fields~ BM was hit wuith teh hammer and fell backwards onto the grass and he sat up and heard Pumyra's request. "You're telling me, some minor plot-related villian send you to me to stop this Decade from wrecking havoc on all life as we know it?" He asked and his eye twitched a bit. "You DO realise you're asking me, who embraces anything evil to stop a fellow evil from destroying the world? ...I can't even comprehend this madness." he said and thought to himself. "Lemme see... if this Decade kills anything before I can, he'll be shortening my list quite rapidly and I rather not die of boredom from not gettign my stabbity-time or nuking innocent villages cause I desire it so, but if these Reapers are brought because of Decade, those things will probably kill me and I'll never see my ambitions bear fruit... fuggin' hell, I have a pick a good choice and a evil choice? This feels like being a damned Paragon or a Renegade option in that first person shooter game!" he thought and looked at them. "Fine, I'll join your little team of Justice." he said finally. ~WIth the Digimon Crew, Namely Rika, Takato, Guilmon, Mieu etc~ A soudn of...propulsion was heard as a brown ahired teen with..strangely enough orange eyes and flame spurting in his hair but not being burnt was in the skies before pausing and soared downwards, he seemed to be at least around the age of everyoen else in the group but his gloves were very weel designed and if one looked on his metal gloves, there wa sthe inscription of Vongola. "I finally found some people, would you midn telling me where I am?" He asked them as his eyes became a normal brown and his nicely designed gloves became...wooly mittens with a red 27.
Not if I have this.
Out of character, meaning you're doing soemthing that a Character would never do or stop RPing as that person and speak as yourself. I do admit, a field of Quasar, SSD and Stardust with 5 facedowns can be troublesome, I should know, I was the one who created such a field once, and Red or Sytx was pretty worried if he faced that. But a more devastating field for my poopnents is when I figure out a field of Quasar, Shooting Star, Stardust, Stardust Assasult Mode with 5 facedowns, giving me 5 negations and 5 facedowns to do anything with.
A AMV Collab, sounds awesome enough to join. reminds me of Animelo Summer when all vocalists join for a song.
~Tunnel with the Ichigo and other characters etc~ Hasassin or whoever it was manged to escape due to plot-holes, either that or the RPer decided it was long enough waiting for that post, so Ichigo lead Neptune and the other CPU's, he was still topless anyway since Vert still had his upper clothing, then again, Ichigo really didn't mind it, he was gettign used to this, especially since clothing wasn't a big issue for him, he did have his attire blown away by devastating attacks and reveal hsi rather muscular teenage body, no visible scares however since Orihime's abilites reject any damage he would take. "A light at the end of this tunnel?" He asked hismelf, he would be grateful to see where it lead them, and Neptune was so insistant on forming a party with everyone there, it was like something from those RPGs, he did note Neptune was perhaps very laid-back, but he wasn't a fool, the CPU's eyes did show they wre experinced in battling, despite lookign like tyour normal everyday girl, then again, first impressions can be deceiving, Ichigo knew that too well, people assume he was just another thug or a bully but once someone got to know him, he was actually quite friendly. ~Deep Forest~ "Ankh!" Eiji said in surpise but Tsukasa shrugged his shoulders. "May as well join forces, it's mainly about surivial even fi we have to team up with our enemies." He said rather calmly, and Shotaro was a bit agitated. "What make syou so sure they won't just attack us from behind?" he asked him and Tsukasa pointed at Kazari and Poseidon. "It's their choice, but we outnumber them and no-one else would be stupid enough to go against those numbers, besides, I'm a Destroyer, anything trying to get me in a threatening manner, I'll destroy it." he said rather confidently. ~Solenna~ Takuya nodded, it was better than waiting in this deserted city, he didn't bother wuith callign the others, since they didn't know all functions of the D-Tectors. "Wish there was a Trailmon around here." he said to himself. ~Castle Oblivion, B1F~ Harold watched as the protections were cast upon between Doppelganger and Hermione. "That's a problem." he said to himself and Marvelous looked at him. "Any suggestions on how to get through?" he asked and Harold shook his head. "Oh sure, let's go and kill ourselves to try and save her, those protections he cast isn't for bluffing, if you want to take those down, you need a much stronger magic to blast those down." Harold said rather sarcastically, unlike before when he was so serious. "Then can't you do it?" Marvelous asked and Harold stared at him rather seriously. "Me? Tear down those protections and maybe kill myself in the process? if I were more knowedgeable about higher level spells and knew what to do with said spells, then yes, I would happily blast them down, but sad part is, I focused my third Summer in Potter Manor learnign hwo to better defend my mind and grasp a few spells before I was pulled to this world and I doubt House Elf magic would get through that, sure it's a different kind of magic but I don't exactly fancy anyone being killed here, I may have a Magical Core like the old coot's and it'll get bigger and stronger, but I don't have the experience to back my magic, and I doubt your Ranger Powers could do the same." He said and grumbled. "Only chance we ahve is to believe iN hermione's adverse knowledge of reading ahead and know what to do." He said begrudingly. ~Vast Fields~ Black mage looked at Pumyra "Kamen Rider Decade? I don't even know who the fuggin' hell who that is, oh wait, the Disgaea Tournament... There was a Decade there, teamed up with other Spandex-Loving heroes of justice pffft." He blew raspberries at that and continued. "And no, I haven't met the guy, that godamn evil fairy abandoned me with all other cool Villians of the Disney-Era, hell, they even had cake!" he said, arms raised dramatically. "And I never got the chance to have said fudgey-coated-delicious-super-rare-awesome-ultra cake! I promise to kill those who have denied me the cake I have so longed for!" He said a bit angrily. "And who the fuggin' hell decided you lot drop down from the skies and land on me! I'll promsie to kill whoever planend that idea very slowly while i hear the screams of agony, despair and everlasting pain as I watch the life from his eyes slowly fade." he said grumpily, somewhere in the vats universe, a young man felt a shiver down his spine.
It's because with CoTH and Monster Reborn, we ahve two chances at reviving any monster we desire, except for monsters that Special Suumon specfic Types.
Yup, Takuya referenced Xros Wars since the Hunters Through Time give old season characters reappeared, espiecally in the last two episodes and Bm is certainly not happy. As for Ichigo, haven't posted sicne the Hasassin didn't respond.
~CIty of Ruins~ "What kind of man kills his own father!?" Noel asked in a ratehr protective tone, it wasn't a pretty picture to imagine and Zidane moved into a stance. "One that doesn't care?" He said in reponse as Tidus had a angry glare at Seymour. "Why won't you just stay up there and never come back?!" He said and had his hand on Broherhood's handle. ~Deep Forest~ Tsukasa gave a mere shrug. "I'm good at everything except for taking photos..." He whispered quietly to himself at the last few words and Eiji looked at the two Greed, it seemed they were still hell-bent on taking the Core Medals they had, especially since he had one set of each of each medal except for the Purple Ones. "If you think you're going to take the Core Medals, you're sorely mistaken, there's five os us against you two." Eiji said, he did have a point, there was Tsukasa who could become Decade, SHotaro and Phillip to become Double, and him to become OOO with Michal being Aqua and of course Ankh with his Greeed abilites, they must be confident to step foward and reveal themselves. ~Solenna~ Takuya listened to the descriptions of the two others like Ven and Aqua, he shook his head. "You're the first people I've come across ever since I woke up in this place, my friends aren't here either... but this can't be the Digital World..." He trailed off, it did seem that way and he wasn't in Tokyo either, not ever since he and the others defeated Lucemon and then he was brought to the future to battle Quartzmon with fellow DIgidestined by the Old Man and his Digimon, Clockmon. ~Narutaki~ Narutaki decided to take Fighter, White Mage and Pumyra along with him and for plot convienence purposes drop them off to a group who would be saddled with them and decided to leave them with the one person who did not wnat them at all, can you guess who? oh and by the way, narutaki did drop the trio atop on this person from the white veil of dimensions. "God fuggin' damnit! GET OFF ME!" Bm cried otu from underneath the 'dogpile' unhappily, Fighter landed on him first and it did not help his body much since the idiot wore armour. "I think my spine's broken!" He thought, he didn't know if it was, all that mattered was getting these people off his back or he swore to all evils, he'll kill every last person on this planet to satisfy himself.