Hmmm, Bait DOll was gonna help me but it'll negate my ultimate offering, need a way to activate facedowns on the turn they are set....
So now, it's Wizards, Pirates, Time Lords and Nobodies now? What a motley crew!
Well, no point using them if you're banned
~TARDIS~ The other joined in the Tradis, all gave surprise at the size of the insides, Harold was the first to bring hismelf back to reality, it was kind of like the his trunk bakc home with several compartments. "Get off me Basco." Marvelosu said with a a rather serious tone. "Seems like... magically expanded area but there doesn't seem to be any runes in place, if anything it's just the appearance of a 1960's police box that make it very decepting, rather ingenuis!" he said with a smile, he always loved the impossible occuring before his eyes, well, good things really, if they could compare his emotional levels now, he was like Hermione with her books. "Anyway, who are you?" he asked the man with a fez, somehow everyone in the room had a desire to blow it up. ~Planeptune~ Ichigo was amazed by the cuty but he listened the others, it seemed the CPU's know the lay of this place and comcially, IF pulling Vert's ear and as she spoke about robot zombies, that sounded totally like something Orihime woudl think of, wlel she did draw she wanted to be a robot with ehr head and cause destruction everywhere, it was proabably for a joke really. "I can't describe it... but this place feels like it protected by some otherworldly power." he said to himself in amazment as the companions they amde went off, neptune soemwhere with Fred screamign Tacos with bill following him, Ichigo wanted to get to know the area but anything could happen, ti was surprising the Reapers haven't found this place, maybe ti wa steh otherworldly power protecting this landmass? "Ichigo..." a voice called out only to teh yougn man's ears and Ichigo was surprised, he knew that voice anywhere. "Old man Zangestu!" he said in perhaps a comforted thought as Zangestu's words continued. "I can sense it too, it originates around the one you call Neptune." as Ichigo's eyes widened a bit considerbly but then again, anythign was possible nowadays. ~Narutaki~ Narutaki simply snapped his fingers and a veil of wall appeared before the group. "Step through that and you will probabaly find others to join the cause, who to, i do not know." he said to them and disappeared within another wall, leaving the group ebhind. "Should we trust him?" Tsuna asked the others.
Kind of? I believe you're mean to say it is.
if me and Nemsis teame dup, why with his T.G Halberd Cannon, My Quasar and Stardust field, we'd be proabbaly too ahrd to beat sicne we coudl negate first summon of the opponent and negate effects or spell/trap cards that destroy. What a scary team we'd make.
~-Castle Oblivion, BF1, Exit~ Harold rubbed his hair messily, which was still a sunruly as it had been with all Potter Males. "If this place were Hogwarts, that'd be a different story entirely but sadly, we're not in it and I cannot exactly ask Hogwarts to do a long distance call for it's magical reserves, he rpower only is effective in the wards surroudning the castle, not all of the world." He said sadly and Marvelous looked at him. "What f fwe just barrage it and force it to shatter?" He asked and Harold looked at him. "Be my guest if you want to waste your time, that protections are all at Maxima,, but I don't know what we could do, Doppelganger, as that creepy guy said, isn't dead so the wards are noentheless, still in effect and none of us are capable to get through it as he says." He said to them. "Then we just l;eave her?" Marvelous asked and Harold rubbed his hair. "I don't like this situation anymore than everyone else does." he said with a sigh and looked at Hermione. "If she were connected to me by means of powerful magic, and I mean like really Old Magic then that would help, but she isn't my world's Hermione whose one of my wel... let's just say 'close' friends." he said and thought about different scenarioss she coudl escape but that oen wa sthe onyl way. "What do you mean, Old Magic?" Marvelosu asked and Harold sighed and rubbed his forehead, it was liek a oncomign headache was forming. "Magic that was like, when it was born into the world at it's creation, but you have to fill very strict but certain conditions to meet those requirements, and trust me, that's a rare thing for people in our age, it's about as likely as Hemrione not being the smartest witch in the world." He siad and heard Hermione's retort at that insult. "Sorry Mione, but it just proves hwo rare that is, I did fulfill the conditions and my Hermione was one of the people, the other girls...well, I won't get into that, bloody last Bloodline Restoration Act." He grumbled at those last words. ~Digimon Crew~ "I must recruit more ot the cause of Decade's destruction, perhaps I can lead you to another group you cna work with, unless, you prefer to travel as a group and rmeain a small number?" Narutaki asked. ~Ichigo with CPU's~ Ichigo merely decided not to commented on this 'Fourth-Wall Breaking' and emrely followed. ~Black mage~ Black Mage sneezed. "I swear someone's taking away my job as fourth-wall breaker and it's a pink haired forgetful girl who wears oversized hoodle, has hairclips modelled after the Wii and can transform into a mor epwoerful form by using CD's." he commented.
My apologies, to all fans of the Tales Series, I was too hyped
Funnily enough I started playing ToG f today, only up to the relevealtion of Asbel's father dying and Cheria's first appearance! Damn, why did she ahev get so hot?!
It seems to eb a healthy thing for a baby.
Er no...I'm british?
I emant by time, after all UK is like....near 11pm
That depends if I'm still free by then.
I'm free for a duel, be it DN or Here.
Lol DOn't give up on HEROes, you cna put them aside and play a different archtype, doesn't mean you're goign to get rid of that deck forever, I alternate between Synchros and HERO Decks and creating a third deck.
~Digimon Crew~ Narutaki looked at the scene befor ehim, already the young gogglehead and the pineapple girl already gve their words of acknowelgement of the danegr Decade was bringing upon them and he looked to Zoe and Tsuna, the girl did agree somewhat to this but Tsuna was quiet. "How do we find Decade?" he asked nervously, this Decade person to tsuna seeme dliek a very mroe dangerous person than anyone eh faced before. "I'm afraid I cannot take you directly to him, Decade has... unhappily, poisioned the minds of fellow heroes who fight for justice, so unfortnately, he is not alone." He said ot them in a saddened tone. ~Neptune's Party~ Ichigo blinked at teh ranking score and such...when...wa sthat even possible, thinking it best, he decided to simply accept it than question it and his ears were quite well, he neede dthat to hear peopel coming for him from any direction,m Vert's nature as one of those gamers was known to him but eh decided not to say anythign about it, why should he? It wasn't his place to ask. "Is your world...usually ranking you?" he asked in beliwerderment ~Sealed Cave ENtrance~ Dean bent down to see the little blue...thingy as he ahd previously covered hsie ars from the music, it had a huge yellwo ring around it's belly and it talked, he was surprised but then again, he seen stranger things.
~Digimon Crew~ Narutkai stared at the group as he was asked if he seen any other kids and what his name was, no doubt many others would come to ask that question and he spoken. "I'm afraid the ones I have met thus far were not mere children or a humanoid animal, you are the first I have come across and as for me... I am but a mere Prophet, one who knows what of a dark future, these... Reapers are all from the cause of one person, who heralds the destruction of Worlds whenever he stesp into a different one, he is known as Decade." He said and witha snap of hsi fingers, brought all of those to the same vision White Mage, FIghter, Pumyra saw as worlds were colliding into one another. "The worlds are meant to be seperated from each other initally, btu as Decade stepped through the barriers of these worlds, the walls crumbled and now the worlds are merging into one...until." he said as single converged Earth remained and shattered into a million pieces "Nothing is left, Decade's appearance on this world brought the Reapers to exterminate all life on this world, he was also the cause of your world's misfortunes even though he never directly interacted with your worlds, think back to the calamity's your worlds almost suffered." he said and waited a moment for them to sink that infomation in. "I am recruiting those who believe justice should be brought the one responsible for such things, destory Decade and then, you will all be able to go back to your worlds and live yoru lfie how it should be." he finsihed. ~Ruined CIty~ Tidus looked at Yuna, he ahd to admit, she was kind of right, he did feel he known Lukya before but he tried to recall it but nothing came up. "All right, I'm going to trust you on this one Yuna." he said to her. ~Castle Oblivion, B1F, Exit- The others merely watched.
Funny how the most unlikely place is where you didn't want it.
Now that is way too silly, I prefer Lyris's way, much more sensible.
Well, got the CPU's and Ichigo with wheover was with that group fo the tunnel as hasassain was taking a awful logn time to post.