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  1. StardustXtreme
    That is definitely a unexpected one, someone's gonna be Kushnia at this rate.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Sep 20, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. StardustXtreme
    The other handicaps are new to me lol.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Sep 19, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  3. StardustXtreme
    Mirror matching basically is soemthign I don't use.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Sep 19, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  4. StardustXtreme
    I don't thinK i can accomdate that
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Sep 19, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  5. StardustXtreme
    Wakka was surprised Tidus suddenly charged in and he put a hand to his forehead and followed teh Youth in, surprised Tidus actually managed to finish the Trial relatively qick, perhaps it owed to his mastery of Blitzball or training but as soon a she finsihed it, he spoke up.

    ""Hey!" That got Tidus's attention. "What's gotten into you?" He asked him but noted Tidus's expression was like he was being told off. "Hey, it's okay. Only summoners, apprentice summoners, and their guardians can enter here." He said and stood beside him on the platform "It's a tradition. Very important." as the youth aske dhim what eh was.

    "Me, I'm a Guardian" He said a steh platform descended and he heard Tidus question what that was. "Summoners go on a pilgrimage to pray at every temple in Spira. Guardians protect them." he explained a sthe platform reached it's destination
    "The guardians in there now... One of them's got a short fuse, and who knows what the other's thinking." he said rather nervously, rubbing his hair and removed his hand. "Well, now that we've come this far... might as well go all the way!" he said and walked to the next room with Tidus following behind.

    In the room were two other occupants, a ROnso witha broken horn and blakc haired woman with wore a dress that deemed to somehow, ahve way too many belts.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Sep 19, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. StardustXtreme
    I see you.

    And I hereby ask for a duel from anyone.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Sep 19, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  7. StardustXtreme

    ~Harold with Vexen and now Basco~
    Harold would of healed Vexen's wounds if he could but he wasn't a Healer and didn't have his usual things shrunken in a trunk in his pocket as Vexen's explaiend Doppelganger's existence and Harold, was actually paying attention and listening like Vexen was his Professor and he the student, "You remind me of Hermione when you speak like that, well my Hermione." he said and looked at Vexen, he would pull the Keybalde stuck in him but that would cause him to lose blood rather quickly and Vexen did grasp that rather quickly before Basco made his unannouced appearance.

    "I'd take whatever I can get, and Vexen was it?" he asked teh Chilly Alchemist, only getting a nod a sHarold. "Just a basic Lumos woudl fo broken through his defenses, from what yous ated, he got more defenses, so the normal Lumos wouldin't harm him..."


    Marvelous merely stared at the 'scary' pink toad woman, he swore that much pink had to be a crime in any planet and note dteh enw arrivals, Harry seemed to know them. "Whoa re these people? mroe friends of yours Potter?" he asked the teen.


    If anyone paid any attention, there was a flaming meteor coming towards the battle and it completely crashlanded nearby the battle, funny was it wasn't a meteor but seemed to be a man, or rather a suit with his being ina funny position of his head beign on the ground and his body over it before the legs moved and he stood up, now being more easily seen from the smoke, his suit seemed to be motified after a white rocket that had a stange belthis wrists and ankles have a Cross, Triangle, Circle and a Sqaure in somewhat fashioend after building block slots or a Playstation controller and he was a bit wobbly.

    "W-whoa..." The person said, he sounded like a male teenager and his rather unexpected entrance wasn't something he planned ahead and he turned around, taking note of the combatants disbeliefed looks, probabaly at the suit he was wearing or his dynamical entrance. "Sorry, still getting of hang of entry." He said rather casually and dusted hismelf off even though there wasn't much and he placed his hands on his hips "I just gotta beat the monster right?" He asked , pointing at Janemba for clariication.

    ~Underground, Confronting Genome~

    Footsteps were heard from behind Haruhi and a voice spoke. "Give me one good reason as to why she should answer that Tincan." The man said who couldn't be more than 24, his brown hair and unatural red eyes staring at the Dalek, ignoring the attenion he was getting from the other occupants in the room with one hand on his hip as he walked by Haruhi and stood rather calmly as if he wasn't surprised a floating metal monster was in front of him.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Sep 19, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. StardustXtreme
    Profile Post Comment

    True enough

    True enough
    Profile Post Comment by StardustXtreme, Sep 19, 2012
  9. StardustXtreme
    Trange entrance it shall eb though lol
    Profile Post Comment by StardustXtreme, Sep 18, 2012
  10. StardustXtreme
  11. StardustXtreme
    Wakka was talking with teh priest ebfore hearing footsteps and turned to notice Tidus approaching who asked him if somethign was wrong. "The Summoner hasn't returned from the Trial." he said and Tidus was confused. "Well Apprentice Summoner really..." He looked up at the stairway. There's a room in there called the Cloister of Trials. Beyond is where the apprentice summoner prays. If the prayer is heard, the apprentice becomes a fully-fledged summoner, remember?" he asked him.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Sep 18, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. StardustXtreme
    Profile Post Comment

    When anyone would wake up

    When anyone would wake up
    Profile Post Comment by StardustXtreme, Sep 18, 2012
  13. StardustXtreme
    Profile Post Comment

    Well anything's possible.

    Well anything's possible.
    Profile Post Comment by StardustXtreme, Sep 18, 2012
  14. StardustXtreme
  15. StardustXtreme
  16. StardustXtreme
  17. StardustXtreme

    -Harold's Mind-

    Harold nodded. "Even when not a Lord, the fact still remains we've are beingrepeatignly targeted to be killed every year and sure, our friends have been there but we almost lost Sirius by those Dementors, I tend to not lose anyone else while I'm around." Harodl paused for a moment, being very quiet which was unerving for the two occupants in his head and he spoke.

    "Hogwarts just spoke to me, it seems we have new guests in within her walls, I guess she let them in." he got a look of disbelief from harry as his counterpart refered to Hogwarts as a livining person and a female at that. "I'll explain later, it seems Doppelganger is still intent on getting Hermione and I, frankly prefer to have a peaceful night," he said and looked at Harry. "You wake the others and head for the west corridor, there seems to be a arrival wearing a cape and oversized earrings, I'm going to meet Hermione and personally see to it she is safe." he said and looked to Serenity.

    "You'll stay within my mind, I'll keep an open connection between us." he stated and got nods before Harold expelled Harry from his mind.

    ~Gryffindor Common Room, Boy's Dorm~

    Harold sat up and stode out of the bedroom, noting Vexen's bound state and he raised his wand above his head and cast a silent spell to free the CHilly Alchemist. "You're walking with me and tell me everything you can about Doppelganger so I can figure out a strategy to save Hermione." Harold's tone left no arguement for the Nobody with his facial expression being seriousas Harold produced his Holly and Phoenix Feather Wand from underneath his sleeve, a Wand Holster attached to his wrist.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Sep 18, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. StardustXtreme
    I did actually create that field once, but I deicied it not to be all counters, it would be unbeatable and that counts as unfair, even Red stated if he went against that, he would sweat at it and that's no small feat in itself.

    I did duel against Red once when ehw as Jack and I beat him, that wa s alogn time ago, so don't remember that, I did out Yusei the previous person who Rped as Yusei here with Triple SHooting Stars with 15 attacks and all eh had to defend him was Road Warrior.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Sep 16, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  19. StardustXtreme

    ~harold's Mind~

    Harold rubbed his hair that was always messy. "Harry, just because I'm the Lord of the Potter Family, do you think I prefer being like the Malofys who look down on just about everyone, I do know while i'm the last line to the Potter Family and I have to act civil and polite when other Noble familes come over but if I'm honest, I don't honestly care about what others think of me, all i ask is they just call by my name if they are trustworthy, whenever I have my friends or their families over, I insist on being as informal as possible since I'm just as ordinary as every other Witch or Wizard." He said calmly.

    "If Serenity gives me a reason not to trust her, I would ask her to call me Lord Potter and it would be strictly be diplomatic reasons." he finished and went onto the next subject.

    "As for promises, there are just soem things a promise can't do, I hate to use Peter as a example, but he was chosen to be Secret Keeper for Mom and Dad and he betrayed them to Voldemort to just save his own live, and Dumbledore promises life at teh Dursleys would get better, when did he ever decide to show up in Privet Drive to check the conditions we lived in, living ina cupboard msot of our life, the Hogwrats Letter even had Cupboard Under the Stairs, how no-one thought to see why that was on there in the first place, I'd never know." He breathed for a moment.

    "And what to enver expect, let's see, there's the attempts of killing us at Hogwarts on a yearly basis, Quirrel who was sharing his head Voldemort, second year, Basilisk is set loose and Third Year, the assumption Sirus killed our parents and Fudge's lovely 'promise' of Dementor's protectign the school when they tooka keen interest in us, what I'm saying, it seems on a yearly basis, there's always something that no one our age would handle." he sighed at this.

    "For once, I as much as you, would love to have a perfectly normal year without someone or soemthing trying every attenmpt to kill us, I would swear Fate decided we would be her lovely 'chew-toy'."
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Sep 16, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. StardustXtreme
    Username: StardustXtreme
    Character of Choice: Yuri Volte Hyuga
    Game/Anime/Etc. the Character is from: Shadow Hearts/Shadow Hearts Covenant
    Additional Info: A Harmonixer one who possesses the ability to fuse with the souls of monsters he has defeated. The first game finds him following the directions of a strange voice, which leads him to the train escorting Alice Elliot, whom he has been instructed to protect.
    The second game yields a distraught Yuri after the death of Alice. He has taken up residence in Domremy, where some of his lover's family live. With World War I upon Europe, he has taken it upon himself to protect the town from the German military wanting to take it as a pawn. His adventure begins after an agent from the Vatican curses him using the Holy Misteltoe which slowly eats at his soul and taking his memories until he becomes a empty husk, a form of dying without death, he is able to halt the progress of the curse briefly by once again attaining the power of one his former Fusions, Amon the God of Wrath but with a more forceful method, the curse continues on but with the willpower Yuri had, he was able to survive roughly six months.

    Yuri also managed to absorb a power of god-like monster in his body but initally he failed and lost hismelf before Alice brings him back but out of fear, the beign was sealed before Yuri faced himself and the creature itself before harnessing it's power and with it, he has toal power over death and rebirth, although, Yuri never used this power because he has no desire to use it since he already has the person lovess know hsi true feelings and that she sleeps deep within his soul.

    He seems rather stand-offish, facetious, cold and perverted. However, despite his gruff demeanor, he proves to be very loyal to those that do put up with him. Eventually during the course of the adventure and finally dealing with the problems that being a Harmonixer has brought on him instead of running away, Yuri falls in love with Alice as in the second game his personality changes a bit, probably because of his beloved Alice's death at the conclusion of the first game. Yuri retains his wittiness, but his willingness to show it isn't as persistent.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Sep 16, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home