-Laughs- Jaden when have I ever surpassed you? In all our duels, you beat me even though it was so close, i do admit, I did beat Ied and such.
Lol, if you find one that's suitable.
" Marvelous was quiet and uncrossed his legs. "If what Harold says is true, then we'll just to believe in their skills, as much as I hate to admit it, we have to rely on Basco supporting her." He said with a small tone of annoyance. Harold looked at Vexen. "I'd rather you didn't have that, that is Hogwarts property as well as something no-one should ever use except in trials." he said and looked at Draco. "Oh stop screaming Malfoy, you deserved it for looking at Hermione's body anyway, what amd eyou want to sinc eyou obivously see her as lower than your pureblood status?" He asked him. "Pureblood?" Marvelosu asked and harold crossed his arms, staring down at Draco. "A term that all Wizards believe they shoudl keep their blood pure and not lose to Muggles, that's basically people who don't use magic, The Malfoys pride on themselves on staying to the old ways as such, they would marry another Pureblood or if it comes to it, marry a member of their family, Purebloods also have a term for Muggles who don't deserve Magic, but since Hermione isn't here, she won't mind what i say here, they are called Mudbloods." Harold heards a gasp from the Weaselys. "But really, what Muggles are with magic should be called Half-Bloods since someone in the family tree was a witch or wizard at some point, I'm a Half-Blood thanks to my mother being on a Muggle and my father a Wizard and I'm sure Harry here is the same." He stated ~Ichigo~ Ichigo received a peck on the cheek by vert and he notably blushed and was about to say somethign before a oridnary human with square specs, a white t-shirt with pens shoved in his breast pocket and he screamed, he obivously didn't seem all that dangerous.
it's an easy one to guess. Hint: What is my name?
I do Duel on DN but not very much, besides, I haven't duelled on here for a while and I been meaning to get back into the swing of non-random duels at somepoint.
They are just sentient beings of huge gigantic proportions, they love nuking everything to kingdom come cause it is their 'job' to purge the words when they get too advanced. if any of my characters were to face a Reaper, the most likely candidates would be Decade or Ichigo, but I'm not stupid enough to send my characters off their graves.
Harold watched as the others tried to follow her. "Don't bother, she's more capable than you all realize." He said to them as they all looked at him. "She is the smartest witch I ever known in my life....well in my reality anyway, she knew how to beat Devil's Snare, figured out Snape's Trial for the stone, discovered what froze the students being a Basilisk and in third year, manage so many classes with the Time-Turner, plus she has Basco, though, I don't know what he can contribute, besides, He's put up a Protego to make sure no-one gets in or out for the battle." he said very calmly.
Completely outmatched The Reapers are like the Harbringers of Destruction, no human or any other character be it Gods or Goddesses (Except Bushy) can singlehandly bring them down.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=epNQAYjlik0 I love that Song, thinking of a duet being done with CC characters.
Cause it's more awesome that way.
I noticed, I posted in the Duel Thread so everyone can see them.
Ever sicne I watched the Recent episodes of ZeXaL, I decided to wast- I mean enjoy my time making these cards from Episode 67
Given marvy a page as well.
Also went and watched latest Zexal Episodes and well. well and made some cards....
Not yet lol.
Lemme see, Dark Firaga I got from a Dream Eater...., Dark Aura from ghostablocky I believe.
And Inuyasha leaves at last!
had to recolor the banner a bit though.
Well it's about adapting really, the font color changes are quick though.
It's all about the womanliless of Team Dai Gurren!