OOC: I think I know what Shidou was about to say >>; IC:"Wait a minute. Could you have been talking about Mello?" she asked the shinigami.
OOC: Hey all. A message from me, the creator of this RP. Although it's almost dead (Very sorry about this, I know I'm not helping Dx) I'm going to create a new thread, because Orange has sent a message to all of the Rpers that threads over 4000 messages long must be closed and version twos be made. However, since this rp is almost gone (again, sorry), I am taking a vote to see if I should create a new thread or not. Just post saying whether or not I should. Gogogogogo.
For the hell of it, I accuse サキ アマミヤ. -waits to be Def Noat'd-
OOC: lol, That's a good idea. and funny xD IC: "Sure, you can have some chocolate. After all, you did seem pretty disappointed when I said I couldn't give you your notebook back right away." she responded, tossing him a bar of chocolate from what seemed to be a stash under her bed. "So, what is it going to take to get you to help me?"
Omfg. xDD wow.
If we find Kira's gender, that narrows down the list of suspects. Lulz.
I blame Kira.
xD lulz. I will.
Again >>; fill
OOC: lolcatz
>>; corrected If I had to make a choice now, I'd pick サキ アマミヤ, but I can't be totally sure. it's a 68% chance, as no one else has shown as many signs of being Kira. See Repliku's post for more details.
>> << Can I join the game?
OOC: Okay, enough spam xD
OOC: Did I, now?
OOC: LOL Jam. >>; sorry xD IC: Diary immediately turned toward the door, as she heard a strange sound in that direction. What seemed like a monster in torn-apart robes walked straight through the door of her dorm. 'Wait,' she thought, 'Now monsters can walk through doors? Never seen that before. Oh, wait, this must be one of the Gods of Death explained in the rules.' (OOC: If the monster part isn't explained later in the story, remind me.) "I'd be glad to give this back to you, Siddoh, but unfortunately I can't right now. I have a few things to do first..." she responded. "Also, you can call me Diary," she added. "Although by what it says in the note, you can see my real name isn't very close to that, I'd like it if you didn't use it. Especially if somehow, someone else gets their hands on this. If you use my name after someone else has touched this, I could end up dead; though you, as a God of death, should know that more than anyone." There were a few minutes before she spoke again, "So, a question. I've heard Kira has started killing again. Is there any way to find out who else has a notebook without the eyes? I don't find it necessary to give up half of my life for that, when I could figure it out anyway. It would just make it easier."
Can I has a story? You can just put Near for the name ._.
Exactly. If we keep drilling for oil in other areas, instead of looking for other ways, it'll create a bigger problem in the long run. Also, hate to be a "coral hugger" but the environmental damage that would be caused by offshore drilling just isn't worth it. Corals are already an endangered species, and Global Warming has already caused a noteworthy amount of corals on the Great Barrier Reef to bleach out.
OOC: Heh, to be honest, I really didn't expect many to agree with me.
OOC: =/ One would assume L would be a hell of a lot smarter than to let his school website so unprotected that an amateur hacker such as Koi could get in and find the files, and, WTF is the point in putting the files on the internet? It'd be A LOT smarter to keep them on a computer without internet connection. A computer without an internet connetion would have to be stolen. Also, I doubt the website would have their picture OR their first name. For that matter, I believe it's an invasion of privacy to put student's pictures or names up on the internet without written consent. If you haven't figured it out, that's illegal. Sorry, I just really didn't like that post... It's just too unrealistic. I'll try to post for real within the next two hours. EDIT: I know you never mentioned pics in your post, but... Meh, whatever.
The person who uploads them to Youtube hasn't uploaded past episode 15 or 16 >< I searched and you can't find the episodes elsewhere.