-List stolen- Teh game has started =3 @ ICSP, That is odd. Any explanation, Heartless_Vice?
o: I'm going to have to check that out.
-magically appears- I lol'd. Sorry I'm late, I was watching Death Note. Is that a good enough excuse?
^^ Yae lol how the hell do people make short posts without fillers?
EVERYONE EFFING FORGETS ME. Dammit >>; I was the first one to say I was playing.
I'll play... I might be really busy, but I can be on usually from 8 PM to 12-3 AM Pacific Time. Is that enough?
I will when my homework's finished. Can't be lagging on the first day ^^;.
You made the game xD
It's getting late here and I have homework to do. I'll be looking over the round for clues when I can. I just hope I'll stay alive through the night. >>;
I love how I only come to this thread every 1000 posts or so and henceforth have no idea what's going on <3
I'm Near (Ask anyone who's talked with me on MSN). I will be keeping track of this round more carefully from this point on, in an effort to bring Kira to justice. I am now, once again, a part of the game.
I can has hat?
I say 1. But only because I luv cats.
Hai there Matsuda =D
EPIC WIN. -claps-
._. Sorry. -sits and plays with hair- LOLNO.
.... I'm too nice for this ._. Even though she is a noob.
wut wood mak u thin that? omg. im liek sooo serious