OOC: Dx I'm sorry, I've kinda had a writer's block for the past few days and my sleeping habits aren't helping ><
Fail. Use smaller text, your sig stretches the post, and it's annoying.
This show is seriously awesome compared to a lot of other CN shows now. My favorite characters are the same as Madi's xD
I'm not really into Metallica, but I hear their music a lot. It's awesome. I can never choose favorites when it comes to songs or bands x3
I love rock music, I don't think I could live without it.
I think the egg assignment that a few other members explained is a much better idea than a plastic baby that cries every three hours >>; I don't think I could stand that thing. Also, I agree with the members that said it's like they expect us to have underage sex. I think these things are ridiculous; well, at least we should have a choice about these assignments. And, 13 is way too young of an age to do anything like this, 16 or 17 would be better. But honestly, I think the whole thing is a stupid idea. @ Pika_Power - How would this push them towards abortion?
I was going to recommend something like that, as that would prove the site is for kids/teens. Be careful about it though, you don't need your parents even more suspicious. I honestly have never had this problem, but what I would do is show them the site, but show them the areas like the Kingdom Hearts forum and the discussion area. Stay away from the Help With Life section unless you are absolutely sure your topic is on the second or third page, also I really wouldn't go towards the spamzone, as that's where the more mature threads are at. The PM a mod or admin idea was good, I'd offer that, but only if they would want to. Above all when you are dong whatever you've chosen to do about this, choose the words you say carefully, because I know some of the smallest things you say can stop them from allowing you onto the site. Good luck!
OOC: Yae. IC: As Diary left the hall with most of the other students (it seemed only a few had a strange schedule like hers), she felt something slip into her bag. 'Huh? Oh, I left it open again,' she thought.'I'll see what fell into it when I get back to my dorm.' She closed her backpack and left for said dorm, hoping she might be able to find out whoever owned whatever fell into it. She got to her dorm room and locked the door, she didn't have a room mate to worry about, so it didn't matter. Sitting on her bed, she opened her backpack and took the item that fell into it out. It was a black notebook. On the front cover read, "Death Note", and inside were fifty-nine (OOC: Yes, there are FIFTY-NINE.) pages of rules. The rest was notebook paper, with what seemed like thousands of names written down (OOC: After all, it WAS Siddoh's notebook that Light used). As she looked through the pages, she found one with the name "Lind L. Tailor" written messily across the whole page. 'This... this must be the Death Note that the actual Kira used... when he killed all of those people.' Although L's "publicity stunt" as many called it, was only broadcast in Japan, one could bet there were dozens of videos of it on the web. Diary had seen quite a few of them. The man in the video was Lind L. Tailor, and he was killed, on live TV, with this notebook. She never was that much of a Kira supporter, and although she had to admit it was nice to be able to walk to her friend's houses a half a mile or so away without her parents worrying like crazy, she didn't like how he killed all of those people for that. So... What was she supposed to do with this notebook? Burn it? Asking L about it didn't seem out of the question... it wasn't like she used the notebook. She decided against both of those options, and lied down on her bed. She needed to think about this carefully, and only had around a half an hour until her first class of the day.
OOC: L, Mello, and Near know about the notebook. I dunno if Matt does, and I'm pretty sure Light doesn't.\ IC: "Do you mind if I ask what it is? I might be able to help you find it." she said. The entire conversation was a lie. How funny.
OOC- >> << -diez- I has no ideas/inspiration/wtfever xD I'll try, but it will most likely fail. IC: "Hello," she said to the three students who had greeted her a second before. She went to sit down in her usual way, with one foot up on the bench. She didn't have any food with her, but her white backpack was on. Although she didn't have many classes, and the ones she did have didn't start for another hour, she seemed ready for class. She looked in Just and Snake's direction. "So, what were you guys talking about before we got here?" she asked, even though she already knew. She expected a lie, after all, they were talking about the deadliest weapon ever created... they wouldn't want to seem suspicious. But then again, what's the harm in just talking about it... She was thinking too much about it. 'Just let them answer the question...' she thought, 'and see where it goes.'
Well, I think if it's a friend or someone else you know pretty well, like a classmate, and their laughing and making jokes and all that, then it's okay to laugh with them, but if they were in pain and you were laughing at them, then that'd be just ******ed. Maybe if they did something really stupid, in that case, they'd probably be laughing too anyway. @ RA and Cupcake; That really sucks D: I've never broken anything, but it really must suck to be teased about it or be ignored D:
Actually, I agree with you. I think if someone's treating you that bad, just leave them. If he needs your help that much, then he should treat you better.
The reason people find those murders so frightening, when it's more likey that, if you were to be murdered, it'd be from a less heard of killer, or a gang, is because they're different. They stick out, and people listen to the news more when it's not totally monotonous. Another reason might be that it's human nature to be scared by what is different, and obviously these killers have a different way of thinking than most, so it's easier to be frightened by them. My post is basically what everyone else said; but in my own words...