Philippe realized she doesn't remember anything. I have already forgiven you. I would like you to forgive me. I didn't tell you that I had made an aliiance with Darkeon. He then remembered what Darkeon had said. I think you already had, though. Darkeon had told me that you forgave him for what he did. He is not evil. Draklor wasn't evil, either, but I think you must know that. Philippe shakes his head. Of course you don't. You can't remember a thing. I am at Darkeon's place right now. He is training me to be stronger, so I can help defeat Ultimus. OOC: oh shoot. I have to go now. Sorry, everyone! I will try to get on again, but may not be able to. SEE Ya! :)
Philippe was taken aback. What do you mean? This is Philippe. Are you okay, Ceri? He paused. Are you mad at me?
Philippe was wondering what happened to Kyle and if he was alright. Ceri, talk to me. Is Kyle okay?
Can I have a cookie? pweeze?
Zexion stared at her. What was she thinkiing? ---- " tasted so good, when is dessert?" ----- Zexion sighed.
OOC: I think its course, and the word coarse is an adjective, but I am not sure, so I would look it up, if you want. BIC: The machine made weird noises and out popped a piece of gum. "Is that it?" Zexion smiled "Could i try-" he was cut off by a little girl who grabbed the piece of gum and stuck it into her mouth. OOC: sorry, had to control her because nobody is being her, so if it isn't okay, i will edit it.
WOO! 6000! Hi Five!
HIYA! :) sorry, I couldn't get on yesterday, if anybody missed me.
I have been thinking about this recently. Please tell me if this has already been done or if I am in the wrong section. Question: What would you change about today, if this was your last day on Earth?
"well, if he could or couldn't, he still ate chocolate." Zexion sighed. "I think I like him better like this, though."
OOC: sorry, couldn't get on yesterday. Ceri is half demon now and can't remember anybody? Interesting... BIC: Philippe took off his gloves and cloak. "This is a nice place you have, Darkeon. Almost what I used to live in...." His voice trailed off. "Um, since I will be staying here for a while, what do you want me to do? I can't sit and do nothing."
OOC: LOL, Saix likes the Moon! BIC: Zexion looked at Saix like he was crazy. "Saix, I think you need to lay off the sugar."
zexion rolled his eyes, "I am fed up with this too." He portalled into his room, "Now where did I put those books?"
Lync turned to look at Vahn, "No, I just heard a loud noise coming from over there," He pointed towards where the sound came from.
Hair toffee? Eww.... "What does it taste like?" OOC: see you later, Ienzo
OOC: Sorry, been away a while! Wow, a kiss between Ceri and Kyle.... BIC: Philippe watched the whole thing with Ultimus unfold through meditation. He slowly opened his eyes and looked over at Darkeon, "That was interesting, we should have tried to help them, though." he paused. "Or did you?"
OOC: Hi again. BIC: Lync was about to go into the abandoned house when he heard a boom. What was that? I better go and check it out! He pulled out his program and started to run in the direction the noise came from.
"We must go help him!" OOC: sorry, I have to go now. See you all tomorrow, if i can get on that is. :)
Philippe thought for a moment. Kyle's necklace! "It was Kyle's special necklace. Cloudroth absorbed it."
Philippe sat down beside him. "See what you see.." he mumbled. "It's not work-" He saw a crater. He saw Kyle and Nicole, but who was that new figure? No, it can't be! "Cloudroth!" No, not anymore. Ultimus.