YAY COOKIES *Looks over at CTR* oops. CTR, does you want a cookie, too?
Ohhhh....I ate too much cookie....:dead: .....Can i have another one?
Puleeze. Can. I. Have. Another. Cookie? :poketoungeb:
I am not trying to get you! ....can I have a cookie?
I am g^^d :)
HIYA everyone! Howz everybody?
Zexion was getting fustrated. "Where did I leave those books?" He checked under the bed, but all that was under there was dust bunnies. Zexion got up, and sneezed. A Marluxia copy appeared. "I wonder if he took the books?" Zexion mumbled.
"AHHHHH!" she screamed as she rolled into a machine, knocking it down. "HELP ME!" --------- Zexion shook his head. "Mr. Wonka, what are you going to do?"
Philippe was walking around Darkeon's place. This place was so big, so empty. He had no one to talk to right now. Darkeon was in deep medition or something like that. He opened a door to one of the many rooms. It was an unoccupied bedroom. Maybe I should take a nap. He dropped his cloak and gloves on an empty desk and took off his boots. He unlaced his shirt and collapsed onto the bed. Philippe slowly drifted off to sleep.
Zexion rumaged around. The books were not on his shelf, so he was looking in his closet. Where are the books?
Wow! This is interesting to read the responses. Would you still like to change those things, even if it wasn't your last day? I was wondering, also, that the people who have been killed in an accident, I wonder what they would have changed.....I mean if it is an accident, then they wouldn't have known it was coming. Example would be that they were fighting with someone, but they couldn't make up in time because they didn't know. What are your opinions?
Zexion looked at the girl. "She looks like a blueberry!" He back away from her.
I am back, yay! :)
Lync fell inside. OOC: I have to go now, See ya later.
ohhh.....um....oh I have to go now, see ya later! :)
Lync ran behind Vahn. "How did he find us already?" He took out his program. Hmm, what should I use?
What am I? What am I? Rank:_____
zexion looked at Wonka, then back at the girl. "What is going to happen?" ---- She laughed "No way! Oh, here it comes!" She stopped smiling, "I feel funny."
"A what?" Lync shook his head, "You will have to explain this one, I don't know what you are talking about."