Wow! Wish I could go, it sounds exciting! Too bad I live in Canada...
Zexion made a face. "A pimple? That is so...disgusting."
Zexion just stared at them, then sighed. "Two down, does that mean more chocolate for me?"
Zexion felt a little uncomfortable. "Um, why is everybody in my room?"
OOC: I really want to see it! That should count for something... BIC: Philippe is still sleeping, and dreaming.
She screamed, "SOMEONE HELP ME!" ---- zexion had no idea what to do, "Do we pop her, or ignore her? Which the latter is very hard to do."
OOC: I want to see it!
Someone drew that?! Wow, wish I could draw that good...
Okay! Name: Edward (Ed) Surname: Elric Age: 15 Job / occupation / class: State Alchemist, his State Alchemist name is FullMetal Alchemist Origin: Resembool Region: Amestris Lv.: 5
Zexion laughed, "No, I was just looking for some books when Marluxia showed up." He heard another knock on the door. He opened it up, "Hello, Luxord, come in." Zexion looked at the Marluxia copy, "With the four of us here, it is a little cramped, but-" He sneezed and the copy disappeared. "That's better." OOC: lol, I think it is okay if you joined, Katsquatch Klone #5, but I am not in charge of this thread so I can't say yes or no.
Lync fell silent. Then he smiled again. "How long do you think we will have to hide here. Do those things search the whole city?" Lync paused. "What do the people of this place do? What happens to them?"
The Marluxia copy ran at Zexion who moved out of the way. The copy tripped and fell onto Zexion's bed, knocking over the lamp on his desk. Zexion went and opened the door. "Hello, Roxas."
hehe...I like cookies...
Lync peered out after him. "Well, at least you have a plan."
I enjoyed reading your story, I can't wait to read what happens next! Um, I still think I liked Braig's Gift more than this one. lol
Lync was interested. "And how do we do that?"
I just read it and I love your story! The ending was really well done. Actually you wrote each part really well! :) Can't wait to read more of your stories! Keep writing! (please) Where did you get the picture of the apprentices that is in your sig?
Lync felt disheartened. "I bet there is many in the Inner Zone. How are we ever going to defeat the MCP?"
*dances while eating a cookie*
"Thanks." Lync looks at his program. "Do we hide here, or do we fight? What do those things do?"