Ling weas walking around, but he had know idea where he was. Hardly anyone was outside. This place was odd. It didn't feel right, nothing felt like, well, home.
Zexion sighed. Now I have no door! "Er, how about we go somewhere else?"
OOC: Oooooh, this is getting good....Sorry I couldn't get on yesterday, but I went to Calaway Park with my friends, and then we went swimming. I am back, though. Well, now, but I can't get on for the rest of the day, busy, busy, busy! BIC: Philippe walked up to where darkeon was, "Hello. May I train with you?" OOC: ya, um, Philippe can just be training or whatever until I get on again. Sorry.
Zexion shook his head, "No, I can't even find the books I kept in my room. I wonder if someone borrowed them..." He looked around, "Suriously, why is everybody in my room?"
Ling decided to go find something to eat, if Ed wasn't going to buy him something. "Hey, Ed, I am going to go look for something to eat. Hope you find your brother." He walked away from Ed and went down a different way, looking around.
OOC: A week! oooh, that kinda sucks, unless you are going to do something fun! See you later! :)
OOC: Hiya! Oh, question! Does Al still have a metal body, or not? BIC: Ling looked at Winry with one of his smiles. "Hello, Winry, did you have a good sleep?" He looked at Ed, "I suppose we should look for your brother. I wonder where he would be....?"
OOC: how can I talk to Caleb when it appears Xacleb is not on? BIC: Lync sat in silence for a few moments, collecting his thoughts. "So, Caleb, why are you in Cyber World?" OOC: Swordser2, I would be glad to have you join, though I am not in charge so I can't say if you can join or not, but I am sure you can...
Ling followed him, "I am hungry." He paused. "Where are you going? This place feels strange. You shouldn't go off by yourself." Ling thought about the evil being he felt yesterday. "Don't know what is out there." EDIT: I have to go to bed, now. Bye:) Um, naminesgirl, can you drag around Ling where Ed goes?
ooooh, this looks interesting.... Can I be Zexion and Greed? Um, question: When would this take place? Before or after the FMA movie? If after, I haven't seen the movie, only clips of it. Q#2: Which storyline for FMA are we following? The Manga's or Anime? I just asked that because the main villian in the manga is different. Also, the character Ling isn't in the anime. I mean not storyline of this rp. Last question: Going off my last question, there are two different Greeds in the manga. I wonder which one you mean. The first one that was captured by Wrath, or the one that took over Ling's body? EDIT: Is it okay if I only have two characters?
Ling popped his right eye open. There goes Ed. He got up and went behind Ed, quietly. Ling smiled. "Hey, Edward! Are you getting breakfast?" He looked around, "Where is that pretty Winry?"
No, that doesn't sound odd to me, I could believe that. I mean, isn't that why they call it the life CYCLE? I'm not so sure about the spirit, well maybe not the entire spirit, anyways. I can believe that PART of our soul would get left behind and return into the Earth.
hiya, everybody! Well, hi to people who are on.. What? You don't have one? :( Okay, lets NOT talk about poor DEAD kitties.....i think I would cry...:cryinganime:
OOC: Okay, see you ....does anybody know when we get to wake up? ^^
Lync waved, then turned to Caleb, studying him. He is fairly young, I wonder what he is doing here?
Ling saw Ed and Winry go into the bedrooms. I am not sleepy. Too much has happened. Tomorrow, I will get Ed to buy me breakfast. He went over and sat underneath a tree, to think, but soon, even Ling was asleep.
OOC: wow! this rp was busy without me! BIC: Ling looked at the stranger and then at Ed who was running farther away. He bowed and turned around, "Sorry, but I have to follow Shorty. Maybe we will meet again." Ling started to run after Ed and caught up to him easily. "FullMetal, you have to wait for me. Who knows what we will run into here." Ling was still thinking about the thing he sensed earlier.
OOC: Hiya, I'm back BIC: Philippe wandered over to where he knew Darkeon was meditating and saw him awake. "Good to see you back, friend."
Lync looked around. "Well, can your go think somewhere else? This place is getting cramped." He looked over at Caleb. "Maybe while you do that, I can talk with Caleb about what has been happening, if we can trust him that is."
OOC: Goodnight BIC: Philippe groaned. Ceri is still Ceri, even though she has changed. I wonder what Darkeon is doing? OOC: Bye, I have to go too, see everyone later