Philippe was surprised so he didn't have time to react. "What is wrong with you, Jeht? Did you forget who I am already? I wasn't gone that long."
I LOVE YOU!!!! Just Kidding, I actually LOVE CAKE :) Like your sig
Ling was confused, "Who is Inu Yasha? Who is Sango?" He sat down and started to eat fish. I wonder how Ed is doing? OOC: bye, swordser2
Zexion sighed. "Everyone is sick, but it seems that Saix, you, and I are the only ones looking for a cure."
Philippe went in front of him. "Woah. You need to slow down. Look you are bleeding." He pointed to his wounds. ""Don't worry about Darkeon. Just calm down and let Jane help you. He then saw Jeht. "Are you okay?"
Ling went up to them "Sorry. I was just wondering. You two are still very pretty." He was about to say something else, but then he heard someone approach. "Miroku? He is right here. Who are you?"
Zexion calmed down and made the copies disappear. "Sorry. I am having a really bad day."
Philippe looked the guy who just attacked Darkeon. "Jane, can you keep him under control?"
OOC: lol, Zexion is spazzing out! BIC: Zexion saw Luxord peek in the room. He made three copies that he can control and made them attack Luxord. "I. Am. Going. To. Get. You."
Ling fell backwards. "You have, uh, ears, but, uh, not normal ones." He smiled again, "I think they are cute." He frowned. "So that's why they felt different than others." He murmered to himself. "Not to be rude, but are you two even human?"
Philippe looked at everyone. This is weird. Then he thought of something Darkeon had said. "Darkeon, you forgot Ceri. She does not consider you an enemy anymore." He sighed and looked at Seth. He really enjoys fighting. Philippe turned and looked at Jane. He walked over to her. "Who is that, Jane?" He looked at the bleeding person on the ground. He sighed again, then smiled, "By the way, Jane, nic to see you again."
Philippe looked at Darkeon and Drucilla. He rolled his eyes. "Demons."
OOC: Okay, I'll try and finish it :) BIC: Philippe stopped laughing and turned to the new arrival. "My name is Philippe Devione. What, may I ask, are you doing here?"
Zexion was mad. He slammed his fist into the wall and summoned Lexicon. OOC: Ya, kinda stupid for him to get mad at Luxord for a minor thing, but he has been having a really bad day.
OOC: *Waves over here* Like I said before. I am making a demon character!! I don't quite have the history so I could make him (Ya, its another male) friends with Darkeon, or I could side him with Ultimus. What do you all think? BIC: Philippe turned to Darkeon, "Does everyone know you are helping us? I mean, will anyone attack you?" He laughed.
Philippe got off of Kyle and stood up. I am stupid. "Er, Nice to see you again."
OOC: I am working on a demon, but I have had no time. I will try to finish it :) BIC: "Okay. Here it goes." Philippe closed his eyes and thought of Kyle's castle. He realized that it is a little harder than he had thought, but kept going. Philippe focused so hard it felt he could step forward into one of the halls, instead the wall of Darkeon's place. He opened his eyes and saw the portal. "Wow! I actually made one!" He turned to Darkeon. "Thank you." Philippe was about to step into the portal, but tripped and fell through. I am stupid. He fell through the portal -and right onto Kyle.
Philippe raised his eyebrows, "You fought him? While I was here doing nothing?" He sighed "I am bored, and I don't know how to get out of this area because of the mountains. Can you teach me to portal? I need some means of transporting myself quicker." Philippe paused, "If you are able." He looked at Darkeon, "Please?" OOC: I am working on a demon character for myself
Philippe walked through the doors of Darkeon's place, covered in mud. I hate mud! I wish it wasn't so slippery. He took off his cloak and tried to clean the mud off. He frowned, and stopped. Philippe put it back on. "I hate mud," He mumbled to himself. Darkeon, where are you? I am dying being cooped up in your place. Everyone is doing something and I am stuck up here, useless. Help me out, please. He knew it sounded a little whiny, but right now, still covered in mud, he didn't care.