Philippe considered these options. I would like to spar, but i am still weak from the last battle. "We could meditate, if you want."
Philippe smiled, "Okay. When do we get started?"
Philippe stood up. "Thank you. next time we take on Cloudroth, he will not get away." Philippe smiled. "You are a good friend." He thought for a moment. "Well, since you are training me, what should I call you? Master, Sensi, or something like that, but you will have to choose." OOC: Bye, kairigirl22
Philippe looked at Darkeon with renewed determination, "I need to get stronger." He went down on his knees and spread his arms out. "Will you train me, Darkeon?"
"Then, I trust you." Philippe smiled, "I guess humans and demons are not so different after all." He frowned, "There is still Cloutroth to deal with."
Philippe thought about what he had said, "Has Ceri forgiven you?" OOC: bye
Philippe looked at him, "What did you do to Ceri? Did you lie to me?" He paused. "Or did she lie?"
zexion sighed and headed towards his room, "I left some books up in my room that i was going to read, but never got around to it. I will go and see if the cure is written somewhere in there."
The mountains were lit up by the setting sun, the colors radiating across the sky. then it was night. Philippe sighed and turned from the window. I am so confused. Is Darkeon good or bad? Who should I trust?
"luxord and I are still looking for a cure," Zexion said. "Do you want to help us get rid of this awful cold?"
Philippe opened his eyes. he looked over at Darkeon, but the demon seemed deep in thought so Philippe stood up and streched. This is an interesting place. I might as well look around and see what is here. He reached a window and stopped. The sunset was a beautiful sight to see. Philippe paused and watched the colors dance in the sky. Tomorrow will be a new day. OOC: What is Darkeon's home? Is it a castle or a small house?
zexion thought for a moment. "He might...It is just too bad he can't talk because of his cough."
OOC: i am back1 BIC: "I have searched part of Vexen's lab and hardly any of the library. Where do you think we will find a cure?"
OOC: okay, that sucks. :( Hi, I am back! :)
Zexion took roxas's hand and got up off the floor. "We will have to find a cure soon." OOC: I have to go for now, see you later
OOC: i have to go! :( see ya later! BIC: Philippe meditated beside Darkeon while thinking of the others, and if they made it out okay....
OOC: Darkeon teleported Philippe to his place.
Philippe didn't know what to do so he sat down beside Darkeon. I hope the others are okay...
"What am I doing here? Roxas! Bring me back!"