bottom left should be emiting light. it isnt. Also the big @55 light scource kills this as well as the c4d whoring fixit
A bit sloppy but w/e.
very basic tag and choppy pixel art. workonit
Mono tags are ok but try maybe a different shade of blue cuz its the same color as the other one. same cnc as other one for the most part.
too much brushing. try too use more of your program. coloring in first beats 2nd but still is very basic.
kill the random lines. Very basic. tuts.
text, faded brushes and c4d's that ruin your flow kill this . I also am not very fond of the colorz.
stock is abit choppy and very basic. get to know your program. tuts.
thnx 4 cnc gaiz
You know what created god? The same thing that created santa, the easter bunny and the tooth fairy. People :D .
get the random blob off of his chest. Nothing too out of the ordinary here.
Add colors plus depth. LOOKING GOOD KEEP GOING
Look at the original stock and you'll see what I did with it pl0x.