pic is broken. will comment further when/if I can see it. TTYL!
novice tags. no fg, basic bg. read up on tutorials. KNOWLEDGE IS POWER!
better than most who post here. get rid of fhs and it'll be a basic novice tag. KEEP GOING!
c4d wh0re. expand your horizons. THE MORE YOU KNOW!
i<3u! ! !
i think this is in rong section. oh ya i think he is a heartlesss
Your lighting is fucked up in this. fix it.
Kurt Zisa all the way. ***** of a fight....
-sigh- *sora* Remember that time when I first joined and you almost struck my face with the banhammmer? Great times...
Yeah, it's a good **** around game. That's why it takes so long to beat, since you play it in 10 minute segments.
"Whenever a friend succeeds, a little something inside me dies"-Gore Vidal Do you agree with this quote? GOGOGO
go out w/ me plz i <3 u.
Oh SHI- CONTRASSSST ON STTTOOOCK. Other than that, there could be some more depth aaand the lines on the right can go away plz. Good one, though.
omg this is sooo good 10/10!!!! Yeah, now...... Great piece. I think that she should be vectored instead of being all normal. Other than that i liek it.
Yeah, I would say that if I liked penis too. Anyways, I just got it and have been experimenting recently on old psd's and I liked the results enough to make a tag specificly for it. LOL
Think of replacing gay with the "N" word. It's extremly rude, childish and it sounds stupid.
Have fun. reed rules. post lot.
There's the root of your problem. WAYTOGOSTAFF!
Most of his predictions are either in "riddles" or are vague. So no.
It's disney's signature. Oversized gloves lol.