Take that **** back and ask for a new one lol.
I'm going to bump this now.
Sorry that i wasn't specific.... Read GOOD tuts plz.
Tried burning/importing 2 so I never played that( since the guy never sent it and I couldn't find an iso...) Don't like the portible ones too much though...
The only one that I like was the original for ps2. 2 HR 20's and full dragon and EA for each ftw.
Yeah, i've been trying for like 4 hours.
read some tutorials plz. YOUR CURRENT SKILL LEVEL IS: NOVICE.
This is pissing me off:
If you've played ANY of the ps2 spiderman games by treyarch then you aren't missing anything. Pick up spiderman 2 for ps2 if you want a spiderman game.
UPPING MY POST COUNT BY 1! Hi Have fun. reed rules. bye
Okay. Bye. >_>
Well.... From experience, i've learned that telling a trusted adult only solves the problem for a while..... The only way to get results is to kick some ass.
i lol'd cuz no one really cares.
ya i need 2 get msn again 2.
i<3u SJ !
the coloring is pretty uh.... nasty? try to not make it so harsh..... reed sum tutz.
good idea. bad execution. tuts tuts tuts. GJ?
work on coloring. reduce size. GOOD JOB ANYWAYS.
basic brush wh0ring. learn your program. BETTER LUCK NEXT TIME?
Stock is huge. color/effects/stock don't seem to blend well here. read some tutorials? KEEP TRYING?