**** you .
I actually became #30 in the world for about a week..... 100 rounds lol.
OMG You're birthday is one day before mine! We're, like, the same person! Almost....
OMG I <3 KH! No, I really don't. But you sure do! You might actuallt be able to have fun here. whatever. cya later!
Dude holy **** i'm tripping balls on your sig, man.
Alright, i'll start on the tags now. Ok sj one done..... I um can try to make it more purple if you want me to? Okay, both are done. Please pm/im if you want revisions for either of them! (P.S. This stock was so hard to work with xD)
Cin you're a great guy. I mean, you say what you want when you want. You're very talanted and just a joy to talk to. I appreciate who you are...
have fun.fillertext
No. They don't monitor me. At all. But if they did they wouldn't care anyway.
Mght as well kill yourself now and get it over with.
That was madness.
. . .
My thoughts exactly.
Oversharped your pentoolz, dawg. Also, they seem to be pretty messy, along with your compo. try and fix that.
Get a disc/scratch doctor. My COD4 wouldn't play some of the maps and I really didn't want to get a new disc, so I used mine. Saved me 20 bucks or so.
That would just be stupid. I like the religion section idea myself.