-already knew that- >_>
Gotta take the California High School Exit Exam[English Portion] guys. WISH ME LUCK ^_^ V.
Whichever version you like more is yours :3 Oh yeah, and you disappoint me with this gfx section. I've been doing cpr for awhile but you just don't have the will to live. THEREFORE: F*** you i'm getting cnc at khi from now on. I NOW PRONOUNCE THE KHV GFX SECTION D E A D.
-casts raise IV-
This thread FUCKING SUCKS. Please let this die.
uh.... you didn't really "make" it. anyways, it's pretty bland.
too much text. the text shouldn't be my focal here, since you have a stock and all.... I'm also not digging the monotone color choice. She appears sad, therefore blue would be a much more suiting color choice. Also, the glittery text doesn't fit in too well, and saving your tags as .gif's ruins the quality signifigantly. good try, though. I guess.
I think Ghetto Xemnas is a good name.
Nice flow, compo, and smudging. You're getting quite good there, sir. (now if only I could get people to post in my gfxthreads...hmmm...)
Yeah lol there is no "last boss". The game goes on forever.
Press the scale next to online status.
Read the rules and post sometimes.
fix'd .
For you, sir: kk bai maybe a texture would spice this up?
How come there are a bunch of **** posting threads asking about the orgins of your username?
rep and pm for a revision if you want. also, give me credit in your sig space somewhere.
print screen then paste in a photo editing program.
I forgot this was a kh site for like..... 2 years...
I don't like the way his hair looks.