^ Dammit Tummer! You beat me to it. XD;;; But yes, it's been posted before. >.> <.< ....Should this be Locked, in that case? O.o;
....I miss KH-Vids from when I first came on the Forums.....that was when Pluto was still a planet....and all my friends were here....I miss it back then....good times....
....I keep thinking I should change my User Name....>.> ......Or my gendar? o.O;
....Why did you think I was a guy?? O.o; And thank you! ^^
Yeah, you've changed a bit. You don't use as much of your accent as before (I liked the wee thing....I had to say it...>.> ). Also, you seems more hyper before. These days your more laid back. But, your still Kitty. ^^
....Your lucky yours is alive....>.>;;; Yep! No problem!! I find the picture cute. ^^
Okay. And I like the picture. ^^
Thank you. *Takes + eats cookie* ^^ And yes....I wish we had stuff to make cookies....TT^TT (Sorry about the super slow reply....I was busy....>.> )
Heh, I liked that chapter. Kraze is a bad dinosaur...BAD! XD Anyways, keep writing! I want to know what will happen next! ^^
Hmmmm.....okay, what kind of cookies does everone here like? I like chocolate chip, or chocolate chunk. ^^ Yays! *Claps*
Oh, later then. ^^ Yeah....Sauske, Koi, and Dark Roxas., right?
Yup! Of corse I remember, silly. ^^ Yes....those evil aliens mght have been after him.....you never know....*looks aroud* >:3 ....Anyways, what shall we talk about now, my friends?
Ohhh....okay. I thought he suddenly dissappeared...for some strange, unknown reason....kinda scared me a bit....I've had a weird, bad day.....o.O; .....Sauske, right? Hey. ^^
Umm.....may I ask.... >.> <.< .....What happened to kevz2kool? o.O;
Okay, thank you Kikame. ^^
Alright....thanks, xeigin. ^^
Eh....I have felt a bit invisable on the site for a while...that's why I barely post. I mainly PM burnitup and keep an eye on things....meh...*Shruggs* And thanks. I'll try getting help from my teacher....and if that fails, I guess I'll PM you sometimes. Would that be okay? ....Okay. Thank you....
Eh...I figured you guys didn't want me around. I'm surprised I wasn't forgotten. *Shruggs* ....Being bored in school while trying to keep my grades up.....Math is a killer....>.>;
Yeah. It's nice talking with you guys again, too....
I hope you get better soon. ^^ Yeah...like I said, I just watch over things. That's how I am these days. I'm good.