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  1. Nanaki

    I'm back?


    ....Hiya! I wasn't around when you were here, but I know you used to be an Admin here.'s nice to meet you! ^^;
    Post by: Nanaki, Nov 12, 2007 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  2. Nanaki
    NUUUUUU!!!!! It's The Burger King Staff Forum! Get yer Fast Food Forums straight! RAWR!!! >:3
    Post by: Nanaki, Nov 12, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. Nanaki
    Yesh, your purely white colours just match your normal powers brilliantly. XD
    Post by: Nanaki, Nov 12, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Nanaki


    Oh...I hope you feel better soon, Vivi. I'm sick I feel your pain.

    ...And drink tea. It helps. It's helping me. ^^
    Post by: Nanaki, Nov 12, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. Nanaki

    ....I never even knew that was POSSIBLE.....I have learned something new. XD;
    Post by: Nanaki, Nov 11, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Nanaki
    Great job on becomming Forum Helper, Catch The Rain! I knew you would be one soon. Your too damn nice to not be part of The Staff. ^^
    Post by: Nanaki, Nov 11, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Nanaki


    ...He knows your just playing when he locks a couple of your Threads? I wouldn't think so...
    Post by: Nanaki, Oct 29, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Nanaki


    ....Are you TRYING to annoy Shadowjak? Not a smart thing to do...O.O
    Post by: Nanaki, Oct 29, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Nanaki
    *Thinks INCREDIBLY hard*





    ....Your Sweq!!! =D
    Post by: Nanaki, Oct 27, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. Nanaki
    Oh Mah Gawd!!! If I get tis book, mah childern will bee teh gretest peeps in teh world!!! =D

    ..................You know what? If this book actually sells, then this world will be scarier then Hell it's self in a matter of 20 years...........................

    ....But I am guessing this book will majorly fail, and be used to make campfires for smores....XDDD
    Post by: Nanaki, Oct 27, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Nanaki
    What position do you lie in?

    I lie on my back, on either side, or on my stomach. I tend to toss and turn both when I'm awake and when I'm asleep, so I randomly end up in different positions every morning.

    What kind of bed do you have, single or double?

    I have a single, because I'm 15, and not married....yet. XD

    How many pillows?

    I have one...unless if I'm sick and haveing a hard time breathing through my nose and falling asleep...then I have two, propped up.

    Do you like to lie-in late?

    Yeah, over the summer and on the weekends....I just lie there for....hours....O.o;

    Do you snore?

    Nope. ^^

    Do you dream?

    Sometimes....and I dream REALLY bizzare dreams, too....O.O

    Do you wear pyjamas?

    Nope...I wear old clothes that still fit I'll ever grow out of them....XD I may get some pajamas someday....when I have some money to go clothes shopping....stupid prices....>.>#

    Do you sleep with teddy bears (you lame-asz)?



    ....Yeah....I sleep with my stuffed animals....I shall not lie....-_-;;;
    Post by: Nanaki, Oct 25, 2007 in forum: Discussion
  12. Nanaki
    Well, everyone has their talents. I'm sure you have some....more than I. I just write from my heart, is all. And your good at stuff, too, because everyone is good at something. :3

    And you can still call me Fina. I don't mind. ^^
    Post by: Nanaki, Oct 22, 2007 in forum: Archives
  13. Nanaki
    Thank you. I just write what flows through my mind at that moment, that's all.
    Post by: Nanaki, Oct 22, 2007 in forum: Archives
  14. Nanaki
    ....It's the day you and some of your friends got to eat ice cream for the FIIIIIIIIIIRST time? :3
    Post by: Nanaki, Oct 22, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. Nanaki
    Thanks, and I am it's yeah....
    Post by: Nanaki, Oct 22, 2007 in forum: Archives
  16. Nanaki

    Poem: ~Envy~

    This is a poem I've written just now. I hope you all like it. Maybe some can relate to it...


    I look around at everyone
    Their smiles shine in the light of the sun
    I drop my head with a sigh
    And I run home to cry

    I'm angry at myself every day
    All they do is laugh at what I say
    Everyone raves about the **** they own
    All my trash is never shown

    My heart is shattered
    My life is tattered
    My soul is dead
    My happiness, never fed

    Does anyone show me care?
    No, they show me their hateful share
    Nobody wants to appologize to dirt
    I'm always left alone, hurt

    I walk alone, and always will
    I never get a share of the kill
    I find my own ways
    I'm always the one that pays
    I am the Sin of everything.....

    ...Well? Post your thoughts. I don't care what you say, just make sure it's in the rules allowances, please.
    Thread by: Nanaki, Oct 22, 2007, 10 replies, in forum: Archives
  17. Nanaki
    .........****.........okay, somebody lock this.........
    Post by: Nanaki, Oct 22, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. Nanaki
    ....Why am I not a Premium anymore? Did I do something wrong??
    Thread by: Nanaki, Oct 22, 2007, 5 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. Nanaki
    Considering I have a name change, I want a new Avy AND Siggy. Do what you want, just please make them look nice. And I want Nanaki in them. ^^

    Username: Saxilesm.
    Character: Nanaki.
    Render (If you have one): Don't have one, but I'd like a Nanaki avy, please.
    Text (Optional): If you want, you can put Saxilesm, but it's your choice.
    Size (Optional. Default: 100 X 100): Eh, Default.

    ~Common Signature~
    Username: Saxilesm.
    Character: Nanaki.
    Render (If you have one): Don't have one, but I also want one of Nanaki, please.
    Text (Optional): The Fire Guardian. (Put wherever you want, I don't care.)
    Size (Optional. Default: 400 X 150): Default...again.
    Background (Optional): Grey, red, or black. Whatever matches what you do, please.

    EDIT: Take your time. I don't mind waiting. ^^
    Post by: Nanaki, Oct 21, 2007 in forum: Art Shop
  20. Nanaki


    ...If your not her....then how do you know her? XDDDDDDDDDDD
    Post by: Nanaki, Oct 20, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone