OOC: Okay, I'm here now! ^^; BIC: Saxilesm was sitting at a desk, writing. She was writing a list. This list was to make The Death, as she planned for so long, and so many years. She just finished writing out the list. "Hehe...it's finished. I'll FINALLY take revenge...hehehe...."She said quietly to herself. She had a bad habit of doing that... She stood up out of the chair, folded the paper into a small square, and quickly slipped it into her back, right jeans pocket. "Now....where do I find the blo-" She cut herself off. A black portal of Darkness formed about four feet from where she stood. "Eh...it's a long shot, but I have escaped death before. I'll see where this portal leads..." She muttered to herself. Saxilesm stepped through the portal...
Alrighty. Thanks burnitup. ^^
You know I'm joining. Name: Saxilesm User: ...Saxilesm. XD; Title: ~The Firey Lunatic~ Rank: II...or whatever is closest to I by the time I post this, anyways. Element: Fire Weapon: Throwing Knives Talents: Knife Throwing, Buring stuff, Ventriliquism, Hunting, and Lurking. Likes: Fire, Nature, Art, The Sky, Writing poems + stories, and Comfort. Dislikes: Spiders, Evil, Small Spaces, Bugs, and Pain. Nobody breed: Lurkers Nobody’s Appearance: They are white nobodies can rapidly shoot 7 large laser spikes at a time. World of origin: Flairia. A world where the plains are constantly on fire, the river beds are empty of water, and the sky is always blood red. Personality: Timid, shy girl who tends to stay quiet and do what she thinks is best...for herself, anyways...XD; True Identity: Melissa Bio: Before becomming a Nobody, Melissa was a shy girl who loved to write poems and stories. One day, she fell in with a bad group, and hung around them a lot. She soon started dressing in all black, and stealing stuff from the people of the small town she lived in. The group then did something drastic....they tried to Summon a monster called The Death, and failed...and all of them lost their lives, except Melissa, who was left alive. The Death was a failure, and all her friends were dead. She cleaned up the mess, making it look like they all died in a murder, and took off. She hid elsewhere, tried to create The Death once more, on her own, and Darkness then took over her, and she became Saxilesm. And because her heart was so enraged with fire, her Neo Nobody was born from the firey plains of Flairia. Appearance: Short blonde hair, green/brown color-changeing eyes, is short, and wears a red shirt, black jeans, and a black hoody.
Cool! I'm curious as to find out who lived. Can't wait to read the rest! Nice job!! ^^
Yes...we could have an easy going, peaceful, quiet ride...where it goes at that nice relaxing pace...forever. But we don't. Why? Because too many people want an exciting, crazed ride. And because of that....none of us have an easy ride. They invest in weapons and locks, to experience thrills, and make them feel invincible on the ride...untill it breaks down. Many rides keep breaking down and shaking violently...just because of those who seek a thrill. They never relise, if they just drop their weapons, and invest in good, their ride, as well as everyones', can be a relaxing ride. They just want that thrill...and choose it over peace. So...we don't have that peaceful ride that we wish for. That is something that is obtainable mearly in our dreams, in this life...
Eh, I'm just a bit sick. Otherwise, nothing new is really going on. Okay. Later.
Yeah, feel free. I just felt like changeing my User Name a bit ago.
*Laughs* Nobody knows me anymore, do they? Oh well. *Shruggs* My Buddy List: burnitup 2Foxxie4U Anniexo Zexion Of The Twilight thelightisgone123 And...that's it. >.>;
.... >.> <.< ....Hi? ^^;;;
Be glad ZOTT's not here to correct your Grammar. I think he'd freak. XD Anyways, no, I don't think so. Only Xemnas, Xigbar, Xaldin, Vexen, Lexaeus, and Zexion are apprentices. The rest joined later. And if I may be wrong about some or a few, I know Marly wasn't, considering they had just gained Marly in one of the Re: CoM cutscenes, and they were Nobodies in it (of couse). They mentioned it. EDIT: Thanks for clearing it up, Rikurep.
....He stated his opinion about something??
....I go to the store....with nothing.... >.> <.< ....The schools should pay us for tourchuring us....>.> Anyways, sorry to hear about that HB. *Gives Cookie*
She's-not-part-of-The-Staff-died. O.o;
WTF??! She's a Premmy now?? O___o
XDDDDDDDDD That video was made by a former member...who has been Banned a bazillion times. Don't worry about it. :3
...How about HiGhErBeInGz? ....That was a joke....unless if you like it...o.O; But for real, how about FallenBeing, Fallen Angel, or Arc Angel? ....Or, you could completely ignore me. *Shruggs* Really, I say keep your User Name the way it is.
I got two in a row....I think....O.o;
Umm....isn't this advertiseing? I'm not sure....but I get a slight feeling it is....I could be wrong....I don't know....I'm tired...>_>
1: Rich is when your wealthy enough to pay off all bills, provide vital stuff for your familly, and buy extra things. Poor is when your able to get by, in debt, or worse in the wealth department. 2: We're about average in the poor class....able to get by. 3: Money can give some happiness, but it can't by the most importaint, happy things for you. Basically, money can make you happy in terms of fun, but not in terms of True Happiness.
Well....be glad you don't have a horrible life, kid. Some people go though Hell....so don't complain. And, if your life is boring, try doing something to improve it. There's many things you can do in this world, ya know...