Good point. XDDD Alrighty...I guess I'll Lurk once more....
???? ....Alllllllllrighty then. o.O;
Hope you feel better, too, Rosey. Hey Kitty. And I'm here all the time. I just lurk...>.>
I'm on everyday. I come to talk to burnitup and Zexion of the Twilight, I post here and there, I check stuff out, I watch over the forum, and I lurk. That's about it, really. *Shruggs*
Awww....I hope you get better soon. Listen to your mom's advice, it'll help you get better sooner. And enjoy your movies! ^^
I play the game now and then. It keeps it a bit more fresh when you play it between long periods of in months. Maybe longer. Playing other games between those times helps keep it more fresh, too. But I digress. I play and then. *Nods*
~20 Minutes Later~ I finished my sketch, smiling. I had drawn The Death. It was a skeleton of a huge dog, with wings made of bone. I drew it for inspiration. ' find a savage...' I thought. I got up out of the seat, and walked out of my room, closing the door behind me. I then started walking down the hall, unsure of where to find a savage. I also assumed, that this savage, could be man, beast, animal, or...anything, really. I had to find SOMETHING savage...
~Outside Saxilesm's Room~ I reached a hall with doors that were marked with a name, and a number below it. I saw a Room that said: Saxilesm III I walked in the door, and slammed it shut, promptly. I looked around, seeing a bed, a desk, and a chair. On the desk, there were various papers, pencils, and a desk light. I walked over to it, and took a seat in the chair. I placed the black rose down on the desk neatly. I then pulled the paper out of my pocket, and put it down on the desk. I then grabbed a pencil, I grabbed a blank of sheet of paper. I then started drawing...
"yeah." I said. I then did a double take. "Wha-what??" I questioned. He was already gone. "Ohhh....what a freak!" I yelled at the sky. I then looked to my left, and saw something. I walked over to it, and kneeled down. My eyes scanned it, and I was a black rose. I carefully clipped it's stem with my nails, and picked it up by the stem. 'Alright...I have the black rose, now.' I thought. I then pulled out the paper from my back pocket. I unfolded it carefully, and read the first thing listed, again. The blood of a savage. I then folded it back up, and put it back in my pocket. "Alright....where do I find a savage? And a savage WHAT??" I asked nobody. I then started to head for the door, and I decided to go to my room...
I jumped at the sound of Nebx's voice, and turned twords him. "Uhhh....nothing! Nothing at all!" I yelled, nervously. 'If he finds out I'm tampering with Black Magic, he'll most likely kill me....' I thought. 'I have to slip my way out of this one...' I added to my nerve-racked thoughts.
I slowly reached a door leading outside the castle. I opened the door, and took a look outside. I saw an enormous garden. 'Hmm....I may be in luck this time...' I thought to myself. I walked outside the door, closing it behind me. I then started walking through the huge garden, observing each flower carefully. ~4 Minutes Later~ I stopped, looking around. I observed the large area, relising how big it really was. I had only convered a small part of it, not even finding any roses, and noticing multiple dead flowers from lack of care for a long time. 'I could be here all day...' I thought, starting to loose hope a bit...
OOC: Hmmm....alrighty. Thank you. ^^ BIC: I created a Portal, and walked through. I was in a hall in The Castle That Never Was. 'Hmmm....what now?' I questioned in my head. I slowly walked down the hall, looking for a place where I could find a black rose....still.
OOC: Alright, where is everyone....or at least, where is everyone who's online? ^^;
OOC: Alright....I know I haven't been around much, but I've been haveing a rough time, and I haven't been able to consentraight on anything. Well, I'm fairing better now, so I will be RPing here more, and I'll be more active, alright? Okay....uhhh.....well, could somebody give me a recap, and tell me where everyone is now, and I'll just Portal in. And sorry for being a bit of an annoyance with my questions, and not being that active. I'm sorrry...
I stopped walking at the sound of Nebx's voice. I turned around, and ran to where he was located at.
OOC: Alrighty. BIC: I then saw something in the distance. It looked like something that could be of importaince, but I disreguarded it. I then snapped my fingers, Summoning two Nobody Lurkers. "Scan the area. Report to me with any findings that can be of importaince to me." I ordered. The two Lurkers then zipped slickly through the air, with quick speed. I took another glance out the window, and then I walked further down the hall-like area, trying to find a Black Rose, or possibly get some help to find one...
I walked, and arrived at a doorway that lead into a hall-like aread. I walked in, and saw two window-like openings in the wall to my left. They seemed to overlook a vast, huge area. I walked up to one, and stared at the horizon. It overlooked a canyon-like area that surrounded a large castle. 'Hmmm....strange....' I thought in my head. OOC: ....I must pester once more....has Radiant Garden been fixed up, or is it still all destroyed and messed up? I'm sorry to be such an annoyance....
"...Okay....lets skip that for now. What else..?" I asked aloud to myself. I read the next thing I had scribbled down. A Black Rose was the next thing. 'Hmmm....a black rose, eh? Makes sense. I'll have to find one, I guess....' I thought in my head. I looked around the surrounding area. "Yeah....this'll be easy...." I said to myself. I neatly folded the paper, and slipped it into my back, right pocket again. I then started to walk along the road... [COLOR="2c2c2"]OOC: Okay....this will help me get a better mental image of where I am, now....^^;;;[/COLOR]
Okay. Thanks....[COLOR="2c2c2"]*Has no clue where I am....>.>; *[/COLOR] I reached into my back pocket, and pulled out the paper. I opened the squared paper up, and looked over the scribbles of my messy handwritting. Blood Of A Savage was the first thing I had scribbled down. 'Blood of a savage? Stupid rituals....always being so veage....blood of a savage WHAT???' I questioned in my mind. I scratched my head with my index finger, confused...
I looked around, seeing that I was in this new world. "Radiant Garden, eh?" I questioned to nobody in particular. OOC: Two things: 1: ....I'm sorry for the slow reply....I had to talk to somebody, and they talk a lot....-_-;;; 2: ....Where in Radiant Garden did the portal lead? add to this question, 3: Has Radiant Garden been altered? Or is it the same as in KH2?? ....Sorries to be a bother....a lot is on my mind....