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  1. Nanaki
    OOC: Thanks burnitup! ^^

    BIC: I walked down the halls, looking for Nebx. 'This will be the hardest thing I will ever do in my life....I have to though. To Summon The Death, I must get the blood of Nebx....' I thought, walking down that hall. '....I just can't die DOING so....' I added nervously to my thoughts. 'The Blood Of A Savage....he's a savage, alright....'
    Post by: Nanaki, Dec 21, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Nanaki
    OOC: Sorry that I haven't been around. Can somebody give me a recap, please?
    Post by: Nanaki, Dec 21, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Nanaki
    Cool. And I'm glad to help out! ^^

    Good Luck! ^^
    Post by: Nanaki, Dec 21, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Nanaki
    GAHH! De ja vu...I remember haveing this conversation with you....I think you'll opt for the computer. I'd probably do so, myself. I can't do anything with this piece of trash, so I get how aggrivating computers can be. BELIEVE ME. So...I say go for the computer. If you want the tv and PS3 more though, pick that. But it's your choice, of couse. I'm just ganna suggest the computer. ^^
    Post by: Nanaki, Dec 21, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. Nanaki
    Hmmm....that's a bit of a hard choice...

    One more question. How well does the computer you have now work? Does it run fine, or is it a piece of crap like this thing I have to work on untill next year....literally. >.>;
    Post by: Nanaki, Dec 21, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Nanaki
    Well...I have a few questions:

    1: Is anything wrong with the computer/laptop/whatever you have now?
    2: Do you want any of the games for a PS3 at all?
    3: Do you like watching tv, and will you watch it if you get a new one?
    4: Do you mean that you'll buy the tv and PS3 together? Because I'm not sure, sorry.
    Post by: Nanaki, Dec 21, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Nanaki
    ....I don't want to go back out on the icy ground....for over a week I've been slipping and sliding everywhere, just to get to and from my bus and home....and there are no sidewalks to be seen.....poor, poor sidewalks....they must be lonely under the icy snow... :( [/Random]
    Post by: Nanaki, Dec 21, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Nanaki
    Yes....yes it is. It reminds me of the fish I used to have. What were they...? I think they were Albino Ocelot Fish...or....something. They were mean fish. They tried to eat the Placo we put in the tank, so we took him out. They also hated red. That's all I recall of them. I think they died of old age or something. I'm not sure. I don't remember. [/Random]
    Post by: Nanaki, Dec 19, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Nanaki
    It's probably just a glitch needing to be worked out. Don't worry...I'm sure it'll be back soon. Mish posted a link to it in your other thread, anyways. So it's still's just....dislocated...XD;
    Post by: Nanaki, Dec 19, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. Nanaki
    Sweet!!! I love it!! Thank you, DeathSpank! I'm glad to see a change, and the site looks great. I'll probably get lost a couple times, but I'll adjust. This is really cool. And the vid links work? Good! Again, thanks DeathSpank! I'll thank The Staff for all they do here, too. Ya'll rock! ^^
    Post by: Nanaki, Dec 19, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  11. Nanaki
    Yays! Lets hope some peoples join soonses. ^^
    Post by: Nanaki, Dec 16, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Nanaki
    Thank you, burnitup! ^^ many people have to join before we start? ^^
    Post by: Nanaki, Dec 16, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Nanaki
    I was in my room, and I walked over to my desk. I sat down, and grabbed a pen. I pulled the sheet of paper with my list written on it infront of my. I drew a star next to The Blood Of A Savage., and I drew a star on the bottom line of the page. I then wrote next to the star on the bottom of the page Nebx's Blood.

    I then looked at the last thing listed, which was Art Of Anger.

    I looked to my left, and saw the picture I had drawn of The Death. 'I can use that...' I thought. I then looked down at the bottom of the page. 'Nebx's Blood, eh? I can do that...' I thought.

    I stood up, walked out of my room, and headed down the hall, humming.
    Post by: Nanaki, Dec 16, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Nanaki
    ....I want Xiggy, please. ^^;
    Post by: Nanaki, Dec 16, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Nanaki
    I liked Timeless River, actually. I found it cool, with the Black and White, and the sound was even a bit muffled, just like in the older days of television. I liked getting the Keyblade from that world, too. I tend to cling to that Keyblade for a while in the game. And....I seem to have problems fighting those damn cars, man. The Hot Rod things? They seem to whoop my *** when I play that one's rather annoying. The other fights though...I kinda wish they were a bit harder. I did find some of it a bit weird, though. And...I didn't like how short of a time your there. I think it should have been longer or something. But, I still liked it. ^^
    Post by: Nanaki, Dec 16, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  16. Nanaki
    I stood there, stunned. '....He's insanely strong....he's a monster....he's....A SAVAGE!!! That's it! I'll have to get his blood!! Yes! Hehehe...' I thought to myself. I held out my hand, and formed my own portal. I walked through it, and into my room...

    OOc: Insanity strikes! Lawl. XD;
    Post by: Nanaki, Dec 15, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. Nanaki
    "....You must be a monster at full strength...." I said slowly.
    Post by: Nanaki, Dec 15, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. Nanaki
    "E-EASY??! You threw me into a wall and set off explosions!! Your crazy!!!" I yelled back.
    Post by: Nanaki, Dec 15, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. Nanaki
    "Good grief! Were you trying to kill me??!" I yelled nervously at Nebx.
    Post by: Nanaki, Dec 15, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. Nanaki
    ....I feel like giving this a shot....for no reason.

    Post by: Nanaki, Dec 15, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone