AH! NUUU! *struggles while laughing* gitoff! XD
lol I sowie, that was a cheap shot *huggles* XD
Don't you mean 9th? ;)
Good X3 I missed you :)
*huggle snuggles* :3
...fair enough.
I know. It would for me, too. What's popping into their mind when they say '9th hour'? They don't really mean 8th, do they?
*huggles* I'm sorry.
You can't talk with the principal about this? I mean surely he'd have to realize there's 8 hours instead of 9.
No, I mean, how do you have 9 hours instead of 8?
Do what? How does that work? :-/
I'm good X3 how are you? And do you want to go to the pm?
Awesome XD right now, or later?
Good morning :))
I bet. Doesn't sound fun. :c
Yay for that especially lol
Ok. I sowie you hurt your hands :( glad you feel better now though :D
I'm sowie. Can I helpies?
Close to that, yeah. At least it's not raining like it was yesterday. Cold air and rain stinks. XP
lol I'm sorry. How was your day? Aside from sleeping, I mean ;D