Just smacked the gay out of Sora. That's all. XD
*returns plunger and hardhat to proper locations*...mission accomplished. *nods satisfactorily* :3
Good morning X3
I'm good XD lol
Hey. Sorry that took so long.
I try XD lol. I gtg, I'm headed back home (was in a grocery store while talking to you) but it's a 15-20 minute trip. I'll ttyl. Bye bye.
All you can do is try your best and try to be happy. Remember, smiling for no reason confuses people XD.
Try not to stress over it. It won't do you any good to worry about what "might" happen.
*hugs* I'm sorry. The school prank is over now, though.
I'm sorry. You're right that was a little mean.
What happened? And are you sure you're ok?
Hey, I'm back. I'm sneaking on via phone. You wanna pm to talk or vm?
Hey, I'm sorry, I have to head home :(. I'll try and get on to talk to you before 5, ok? Bye bye.
*hugs* I'm sorry...I'm about to go work out, but I should be back in an hour to talk to you (while I'm working out that is). I'll try and cheer...
Is something wrong? You seem somewhat...tense.
Ok, I'm back for sure, now XD
Actually, I'll brb, need to grab something at the store real quick. Sorry XP
Ok, I'm back XD
*gives a salute to you both* And thus, my mission is complete! ...now we just gotta de-gay-a-fy Sora...*gets hardhat and a plunger* gimme a...
Nope, Sora still looks like regular Sora...although, now that I look at him, he does appear a smidge gay, being so happy around the pink. :-S...