Hey. Sorry I haven't been on much today.
Okay, thanks. I've got to go, I need to get dinner. I'll ttyl, ok?
I'm sorry...can I help in some way?
How often do you try talking to them?
What's wrong?
I be good XD is everything okay?
Hello. How are you?
*stop drop rolls*
*screams like a girl* I'm still stuck in the couch! D8
*couch tries to eat my leg with cushions*...*stomps on couch* XP
*jumps and tackles couch*
*couch growls* O.o
Nuh! Deh couch is my arch-nemesis! *struggles* The fleece is deadly!
Okely dokely XD *walks into wall* Wheeeeee....@_@
*shakes it off, upside down*...how long was I out? XD
Whooo....where's my horsie?...is he dead? *stumbles* Hallooooooo? Horsie-*falls over*
emmmmmmmmmmmmmm jaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! 8D
*eyes swirling* izzat you, ma? I no wanna go to sclool today...I wanna stay home and make cooky-dees witchoo...@w@
*crashes into wall* @_@ ahahahahahahahahahahahaha