Invented a flyinfg car while drunk but ate the blue prints.
Screw that because that's an over quoted joke and you don't have monies. Rule be rules and dey are der fer a reason. /facedesk THAT thing, you know? Gotta get it finished soon.
Is about to an hero by making themselves taller with a rope and high up tree branch to tie it to.
What I haven't played the third game in over 5 Years! D: The spider is still sitting there XD
The rules. Ye all be breaking dem. Besides that, FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF Lineart is gonna kill me. Maybe I should work on that thing due for Christmas now instead of the thing due January 24th.....
What one? The first Spyro game (Sypro the Dragon)? Gah, I so badly want to play the third (Year od the Dragon) ROFL wtf, there is a massive spider just wandering along the desktop, it's huge and going so slow, even when you blow on it it doesn't run away very fast. Edit: Now it just stoped, looks like it's waiting for me to do something XD >_> It's kinda cute.
Awesomeness~ The speed at which the songs are being completed is really fast, which is great
I can give you tips on breaking out of a straight jacket all by yourself. It's impossible unless you do this one thing when they are putting it on you.
Eats play-doh still.
Bah, I can do lineart fine, I just don't have the pen tool so it takes forever Lineart is the base line in a drawing. Like you know those colouring books? They just give you lineart to colour. The pen tool is a thing on digital photo editing or drawing programs, it lets you draw a line then curve it to do whatever, without it you have to draw the line the exact way you want it instead of drawing it then being able to edit it to fit better.
:| Doesn't help some people take things to seriously. It's been 3 hours and I haven't added a single line to the contest entry, I'm gonna lose by default of not getting an entry in if I don't get this damn lineart done soon.
Is a hobo that used to be a lawer.
Sarcasm doesn't translate well over the internet.
Hates all songs by Perfume.
Find peeling potatos a disgusting but fun hobby.
Weird, why do they have to do that anyway? O_o
e_e I used to like bleach....but then it kinda dive bombed.
Those germs are bactria >_> some are good some are bad, if enough bad ones get in you though breathing them in, eating them, etc. they will cause you to become sick.
I most certainly did not, it was actually you while sleepwalking.