*gets hit in the face D: I'M BLIND *runs around in triangles*
Isn't making me disgusted.
Aww...and I still wanted to play your piano. XD
Is my pet dog.
Wants to be in the box.
That was a lie. ahahahahHAHAHAHAAHHAHAHAH
Wants to be Britney Spears
I've actually only seen the first episode e_e but those types of things from NicoNico Douga atre just way to amusing to watch.
Naw, that's not out of character at all. Neither is this. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NER9H8SnWBA
Sorry to be the one that has to say this but....you have lupus.
Was just lying. Kekekekeke
Didn't just lie.
Doesn't have voices in your head saying to kill all your friends.
Died of eating a mushroom.
Is Steve the magical Hobo. Is also invidible, pink, and a unicorn
Depends on the person XD
Doesn't have 48 posts. EDIT: Late by one post again e_e
Doesn't think we're all bags of decaying flesh. EDIT: crap, I was a post late
It is, the only bad things though is that the lineup is kinda long and once you're at the bottom, you have to walk all the way back.
15 or 20 mph? Bah that's only somewhere around 28km, I've gone faster on this slide thingy they build up in a park every winter (mind you we barely even have hills here, what we call hills most people call speed bumps, so yea, we kinda need someone to make a hill for us e_e) Scary as hell but it's very fast and you can go quite far on it if you do it right.