I agree, love sucks big time... Do you wanna talk about it at all? I had a nice Christmas, rather depressing in some aspects, but the time spent with family was pleasant.
B: Duh. Of course it has one. Deii: At least your present us useful. I got a purse. A ****ING PURSE. I see no need to have one, or at very least no need to have one while in school like some of those ******ed girls. Unless you actually go places, but considering I have no life and rarely go outside besides hanging out with friends, I still have no need for it. Speaking of ******ed girls, I watched Twilight and almost vomited. Well, being sick may contribute to that...but no way that movie could have helped. Somehow I made it to the end with out an hero e_e but now I know exactly what it is like to better make fun of it.
Like I said, starting to get a migraine. Also very tired with no reason for it. EDIT: I'll be back in an hour, the DoctorWho Christmas Special is done downloading, me an my sister never miss watching it together, it's become an annual thing now.
Not really, but it's alright.
Get everything you wanted?
FFFFFFFF I think I have another migrain starting up How was everyone's Christmas or whatever? e_e
Thanks :| I just realized something disturbing. That BL webcomic is technically a furry comic. Furries are disturbing.
D: The world isn't on fire and Yddrasil still lives. I BLAME NEURO FOR THE RAGNARÖK NO HAPPENING YET
I'd stop taking the gifts. Here, have this instead http://randomspazzu.deviantart.com/art/Len-97230298 Only good Vocaloid drawing I have right now e_e
If you think that's nerdy, you haven't seen anything yet. e_e
Shouen-Ai Shouen = Boy Ai = Love Also known as BL It's a milder form of yaoi, mostly kissing, cudling, etc. Yaoi: Yama nashi, ochi nashi, imi nashi "No climax, no point, no meaning" is it's origins, but now it basically just means guys doing something a little more than hugging and kissing Do Not Want: Started at 4Chan. Meaning is as what it says.
I find it funny I'm not even typing anymore, just writing it in with the game