xD i know what this is
lol imma make one now xD
yay! i was in this one! theyre still really funny xD
i would cut out the person standing behind her and the fence on the left side of her. then you can put the colors from the bottom as a background. you can also try filling the text with a color that would show up against the other colors, like white. besides that its good.
this story is really good! keep writing :D
^what christor said^
wow...how does he do that? its amazing!
zomg im dying?! or am i comitting suicide?
i would say its a mental problem. your brain starts to treat the computer like it would treat an addiction to cigarettes or alchohol.
those people are sick. they belong in jail.
welcome to kh vids! have fun :D
every time i watch the news something is recalled and its always stuff made in china. 431 Chinese-made products-- 150 toys, 73 household goods and 53 baby products have been recalled since 2005.
moving stinks. where are you moving to? your parents sound sweet. they quote kh! my parents hate kingdom hearts.
good job. i like it :D
aqua blushed a little. she smiled back at haku. she noticed a keyhole on the door and wondered if a keyblade would open it. she heard someone run out of the cave and turned around to see heartless rising from the ground. she summoned her keyblades and ran outside to help fight.
im never in these either... keep making more!
i regret spending too much time on the computer.
ive seen you in the spamzone alot.
your thoughts on this?
i never cared much for it. i watch the auditions sometimes to see all the people who think they can sing. its kinda funny.