welcome to kh vids! post alot, remember the rules and have fun :D
can i have kairi?
i remember watching saturday morning cartoons. i always enjoyed them. now kids watch things that turn them into rude spoiled brats. i think its sad that kids have to grow up with this stuff, since i grew up with better things.
i want that...
i dont think humans will exist in 5 billion years. why worry about things that wont happen in our lifetime?
hmmm.... he sort of looks like macaulay culkin cause of his expression.
he does? where ish a picture of him?
good story :D
heres the best i could get: i hope it helps.
welcome to kh vids! post alot and have fun! there are lots of nice people here, im sure you'll make alot of friends :D
in the first one her right side kind of disappears in a wied way like katsquatch klone said, and its kind of smokier on the right side, which makes the left side empty looking. the second one is better. maybe you can continue the sqiggle from the right onto the left, but smaller and behind him. i like the second one more.
kh1 was harder.
you get a cookie. *gives cookie*
you click on the karma thing at the bottom of the persons post.
the guy in 'shoes' and 'muffins' on youtube is going to be on tv... i have to see that...
i joined the family and i havent posted :( so i guess i'll start now
ive seen you around. i dont really know you, but you seen nice.
i dont like waking up early. it means i have to go to bed sooner x( if i get a bad teacher, it turns me off and i do the classwork half-@$$ed.
^what misty said^
i hate that show too. i see alot of kids at stores throwing tantrums if thier parents dont get them something they want, and i dont mean little kids. some are like 10 or 11. isnt it pathetic?