this is fun! good job :D
i want that cat!!!
i'm really sorry to hear this... dont get depressed over her. it can lead to bad things. and besides, shes just one girl, and there are other girls out there. you may not find one as soon as you'd like, but stuff like that takes time. try not to forget her, since it will come back and make you feel terrible again. if you're up to it, try talking to her. sometimes that makes things better. you'll get through it. i hope you feel better :o
if youre looking for someone you can search for them in the members list.
i like trinity limit and ars arcanum.
its good. maybe you can change the background color so the white on the ipod stands out.
there was an emo barbie in that! i want it xD
thats so cute!!! i like your chibis :D
heres your sig. i hope you like it: take out the * :
..... now i cant wait till the next election
imma go to the meeting xD
you know, theres a thing called private messaging.
lmao write more :D
welcome to kh vids! post alot, remember the rules and have fun :D
bye have fun :D
i can make it. is this the right character? im not familiar with darker than black.
south carolina must be so proud.
very good :D a sequal sounds interesting ^.^
yes please :D
aqua ran up to the treehouse where haku had been placed. slightly shaking, she pointed oathkeeper at his bleeding chest and shouted 'Cure!'. seeing the bleeding stop, she sat next to him, waiting until he would come to, and fighting any heartless that found thier way there.