thanks! :D im glad to know people like it!
thanks :D /fillerz/
drawn from the back cover of kh2. the hair didnt come out as good as i wouldve liked, and the little crowned heart thing in the corner is a ****y watermark xD any advice?
^same here :D^
it would be too much, kinda like overkill. but i would watch it anyways.
dont die xD see ya in 2 weeks *waves*
thats really good! i like his expression xD its better than what i can do :D
26135 <.< >.> who took my ice cream?
@devileox- you like pie? ftw? xD welcome to kh vids! post alot and have fun :D
aqua looked at haku. "are you ok?" she just about managed to offer a smile when the ground rumbled and more heartless came out of the ground. "we need to get out of here!"
nightwish three days grace ...thats all i got
i dont know if this is old or not, but its what we talked about in music class today... O.o Thriller Sister Act
i wouldnt mind uniforms if they were something like what kairi wears xD but the uniforms for the local catholic school are ugly and expensive. the only complaints i hear about them is they take away from individuality and it stops bullying, but i havent heard anyone get bullied about clothes in my school before. and the teachers would have trouble making the kids at my school wear uniforms, since they can hardly control the students at all. and then there are the *****y parents in my district that complain about kids playing tag during recess. i cant imagine thier reaction if they hear that they need to buy uniforms.
ps3 may be the best but it doesnt have any good games yet. unless they've been released already.
^what cronoking said^
o rly? /fillerz/
-.- 700 posts to go...
probably, since it has been for all the other games.
welcome to kh vids! post alot and have fun :D
very good, i like the lighting effect you used. 10/10