When they arrived in Space Paranoids, Varxus looked a bit annoyed. "Here we go again..." He groaned. ------ The shadow belonged to a tall man who was wearing Knight's armour as well. "Terra, please help me." Arvus said as he kneeled in front of him. All Terra did was stare at Arvus...
Varxus followed Xane to the computer room. Attacking more HS's as he ran past. With Arvus... Arvus looks around and then peforms some kind of spell, that causes him to vanish, the next moment, he is seen at some kind of valley, it had no grass, no flowers, only dirt. "I'm here!" Arvus shouted and then suddenly a large shadow appeared on the floor...
"It's ok with me."
Xemnas then teleported back into his office. "Ah, Lexaeus, take a seat you wanted to see me?" Xemnas asked as he sat down. EDIT OOC: I've changed the Timetable so newer teachers can have a lesson spot. Also, anyone think I should take the Disney characters out? It might get chaotic if all of them are there.
OOC: Ok, i'll add you. BIC: Revus just sat down, and got his stuff ready to take to the gym. He looked around and noticed that Kasha was missing. "Anyone know where Kasha is?" He asked. Xemnas got out of his private toilet and noticed that his Vaseline has moved. He pushed the intercom. "Who moved my vaseline?"
Riku was about to leave until he saw Sora and Kairi walk out. "Hi guys, enjoy the ride?" He said sarcastically.
"Ok, move aside, I've got an idea." Varxus said as he ran outside and leaped into the air, when he landed he caused Pillars of Flames to surround him(like Sephiroth) and burn a large amount of HS's. In Villain's Vale... Arvus turned around and saw Ex standing there. "I'm here on my own business, I just needed to find a place where no Org. member can find me. Don't tell anyone, especially Varxus." Arvus explained as he walked away.
Don't worry, you'll get that Gopher back one day...or not.
I like the look of some KH1 Keyblades, some of the KH2 Keyblades look stupid, but that's my opinion. But I would prefer Gunblade/Buster Sword etc. to Keyblades.
"Not that I know of." Varxus said as he killed a few HS's. Meanwhile, In Villain's Vale... Arvus walked in and noticed that no one was there, he then started looking around.
Varxus fought off some more HS's. "I think that would be very helpful if you did that." Varxus said as more came in. "You gotta be kidding me."
"Damn, I was too late, I might as well wait for them."
OOC: Uhh, Arvus left to do something, sorry if I didn't make it clear. BIC: Varxus grabbed his Spear and Scythe and started attacking the HS's. "Why don't you ask them?" Varxus said to Xane. Meanwhile... Arvus walked towards the Villain's Vale, trying his best not to be seen by anyone from the Organization.
There, there. *Gives cookie.* Better?
i am back, how's everyone?
Riku had lost Sora and Kairi, but saw them walk into the Haunted Mansion. "Hey, wait up."
"Varxus, i'm going to go for a while, there's some business I have to do." Arvus told him. "Well, i'm coming with you." Varxus said as he walked towards his brother. "No you can't, this is something I must do..." Arvus explained. "I, just don't want to lose you again." Varxus said, but Arvus had already left. He then made his way through town and saw HS's attacking Merlin's House. "Not more..." He said as he ran into the house...
Thanks alot for the codes.
OOC: Shall we try PM'ing the others and try and get them to post?
"Fine with me."