Yay CtR's here. *Dances as well, then gives cookie.* How are you?
Riku woke up and saw that it was daytime. I wonder where Sora and Kairi are... he thought.
Varxus attacked more Knight. "These guys just keep coming and coming." He said as he created a pillar of flame and sent it towards a group of Knights. With Zaynuk and Arvus... "You see, you and Varxus are not related at all." Zaynuk told Arvus. "I know you want proof, and proof I shall give you." Zaynuk then started to chant and images of what Arvus had been told were flashing in his mind. Then a picture of Arvus appeared and his birth certificate appeared next to him as well. Arvus had realised the truth. "Zaynuk, I have two questions." Zecht replied. "Go ahead." Zaynuk softly answered. "Who are you? And what happened to me when I was a Knight?" Arvus asked, as if demanding the answer. Zaynuk laughed and then looked at Zecht. "My identity is secret, and it shall stay that way until the time is right. And about the Knights, you never were a Knight, it was the real Arvus, a legendary Knight who destroyed Relshon, the Knights just erased your memories before your capture. Then, they sent you to Hollow Bastion, where you met Varxus, you was manipulated and used the name Arvus, but the manipulation was weakened after you heard his name. They got their hold over you back and ordered you to meet Terra, he gave you back your memories of your life in Relshon, and erased the memories from your time in the Knights, you were an outcast, a sacrifice, a puppet in their plans." Zecht looked down at the floor. He was almost crying. "I have to find Varxus! Where is he!" He demanded. Zaynuk laughed again. "He is at the Knight's base, fighting alongside the Organization." He then dissapeared, his laughs still echoing. OOC: I apologise for the length of this post, i've had this idea in my head for a while and had to get it out.
"The reason it's so addictive is because I added extra sugar and chocolate into the bars when I ordered them" Xemnas said, drinking some Slimfast. "Shouldn't you all be in lessons?" Revus was still playing his DS and looked up at Sora and back down at the DS, he noticed he was playing CoM on his DS. "Hey Sora, look at this." Revus said as he showed Sora the DS. EDIT OOC: My brother told me that he didn't want to take part anymore, so Zexion is free.
*Starts Dancing* Shall we have a party?
Xemnas destroyed the boxes of chocolates with his lasers. "Lose some weight." Xemnas told Sora as he handed him a Slimfast. Revus watched as Kasha was talking to another dog. He then grabbed his DS again and started playing it.
Varxus saw Wing and Nulix on Wing's bike and smiled. They know what they're doing, i'll keep the Knights away from them. he thought as he shot fireballs everywhere. With Arvus... "I am not lieing." Zaynuk explained. "When your mother died of illness, you went to Relshon to live with your godparents, who were Varxus' parents. They treated you like a son. They peformed some kind ancient magicks on you so you wouldn't remember your life in Archadia." "So, that's why I can't remember my life before my 11th birthday." Arvus said soflty.
"Well you're bigger than Xemnas." Revus explained. "How are you going to do your fancy attacks with your Keyblade?" Xemnas walked into the kitchen and saw that Sora was really big. "Have you been eating my chocolate bars?" He asked evily.
"Hmm that explains one thing." Revus said as he looked at his watch."10 Minutes until break time." Xemnas finished eating the cooked birds and left the office towards the kitchen again, he took a bottle of Slimfast to make it look like that he was excercising.
OOC: ok, bye. BIC: Varxus saw Wing. "Hey Wing." He shouted as more Knights were fought off. With Arvus... "How would I know you're telling the truth?" Arvus asked. "I have evidence..." Zaynuk said as he withdrew his Claymore. "It happened 28 years ago. In the Grand City of Archadia, that was your birthplace. Your father was a soldier in their army, whilst your mother was unemployed. Your father was killed in battle against the Knights, you swore revenge but your mother wouldn't allow it." "You're lieing!!" Arvus screamed at Zaynuk.
Welcome to the family. *Gives cookie.*
"I don't like that chocolate." Revus told Sora. "Did you find the briefcase?" He then asked Lexaeus. Xemnas woken by the birds outside, he glanced at them and shot a laser at them, killing them. He took the birds, which were suprisingly cooked, and started eating them.
Thanks, that is perfect!
If you wanna join just PM Goimez and ask him, yay new member.(hopefully)
"I think I saw your briefcase in Xemnas' office" Revus told Lexaeus. "He then looked at Sora. "Don't eat too many, you'll end up like Xemnas" Xemnas stopped drinking Carlsberg and fell asleep...
Revus looks at his watch. "It's break time in about 25 minutes. Where is Axel anyway?" Revus asked. Xemnas was drinking more Carlsberg. He pushed the intercom and started speaking with a slur. "I'm just going to tell you that I love you all!" Spare Me... Revus thought as he heard the announcement. "He's drunk I bet, he had a slurry voice." Revus told the others.
"And he's our headmaster..." Revus said as he threw the chocolate bar away in disgust. "How does he eat these?" Xemnas walked back into his office and drank a Carlsberg. "Now that's a good drink." Xemnas said as he hiccuped.
"Why is everyone here anyway and why is Xemnas on the floor?" Revus asked as he took a chocolate bar. Xemnas slowly helped himself up and glanced at the students, Demyx and Xigbar. "I'll get you lot back later." He mumbled to himself.
"Skinnar won't give up won't he?" Varxus said as he knocked the Maxilo into the air. With Arvus and Zaynuk... Arvus charged at Zaynuk, but Zaynuk blocked the attack with his Claymore. "It is futile, I cannot be killed by a lowlife like you." Zaynuk said in a calm voice. "Why are you fighting me?" Arvus asked as he backed away from Zaynuk. "I wanted to tell you the truth about your life." Zaynuk said with an evil smile on his face. "What are you taling about?" Arvus asked. "I know most things about Archadian nobles." Zaynuk told Arvus...
"I'm still down here." Xemnas said. Revus put his DS away and left the room, he walked towards the kitchen as he heard voices and walked past Xemnas. "Hi guys, what's up?"