are you scared of thunder? i'll hold you if you are
i really want to say i know you.
people always told me that there were large bugs and stuff living in your hair when you have dreadlocks i really don't know if that's true. but i knew a kid that had dreadlocks once, and he looked so much better to me after he cut them off
happy birthday!!
definitely being serious. i bought FF7 off PSN, but i never got around to playing it. :c
i would do this, but i never played FF so weeee posting just to post
Just be glad you're not stuck in a hotel room because your house has absolutely no power.
happy birthday :x
obsessions by marina and the diamonds
I think the first part was asking her out on a date and that the second part isn't really needed. It sounds a bit awkward. But somewhere, clarify that you want her to go with just you. Like..simply put "it struck me as the perfect opportunity to ask if you wanted to go together."
get off of khv and come pick me upppp and lets run awayy <3
definitelyyyy want to join in this.
I liked this place so much more when I was actually extremely active. I don't remember people ever having arguments, or others leaving because of something someone said to them. I feel like after I kinda came back, this became a different place. People pick arguments over absolutely everything now. Not everyone knows how to differentiate real life from the internet. Some of the **** people say can actually hurt others, and I think most of them don't realize that because they don't take what others say to them over the internet to heart. And figured I'd just chime in with this, but some people consider their friends online their real friends. The people that I have met mean so much more to me than the majority of the people I've grown up with. I've driven four hours just to meet someone, because he knows me more than anyone else does.
Haven't really messed around in photoshop for months until last night. I downloaded a bunch of brushes, got a few renders, and started playing with stuff. I still have issues with doing things, and I look at other people's sigs and wish I could do the stuff they do. :c CnC would be greeeeaaatt.
love love love by of monsters and men "the way you held me so tight all through the night 'til it was near morning.."
I was going to get it on my wrist, but I figured that if I wanted a job, I didn't want to constantly have to wear bracelets in order to cover it. So I figured possibly on my ribcage, but kinda right underneath my breast, and a bit curved. I'm not completely sure how that will look, but it looks okay in my mind. But if it looks silly, I'd probably get it on my side.
showin' some leg ;) i don't have any tattoos yet, but goshhh, i have so many ideas of what i want to get that it's actually crazy. i doubt i'll get 99% of them, but the one i do want is an infinity symbol with hope written inside of it. like, not actually inside it, but along the line of the symbol, so that it's part of it, you know? it's obviously not my idea, and i've seen quite a few pictures of stuff like that before, but it pertains to me so incredibly much that i just feel like i need to get it.