dare Spoiler I'm scared xd
lol You sure? I can wait if you wanna get some sleep.
Okay so then that would be 3:20 my time?
Xd You would eh?
What's a chain?
On my porch. It was around Christmas time. My cats were covered in snow lol
Lol what are you confused about?
yes. Lol Which now allows me to summon Mist Valley Soilder! [IMG] But it can't attack this turn. No matter! I now send them to the grave in order...
xd or shall we try this again and pretend nothing happened? lol
It's pretty much the same here. Xd
Oh yeah sorry I forgot. See? Told you I'm new at this. xd Shall I continue?
Ah. Okay. Is it usually humid like it is here?
Hmmm okay! My turn! Oh remember to post your field at the end k? *Draw phase* [IMG] -5 cards in hand- *Main Phase 1- Now to start...
I wanna go there!!!! Lol Do you get snow over there or is it a rare thing? Here snow is rare. I was 14 when I saw snow in person for the first time.
Texas. You?
Ah okay. =)
Yeah. So what time is it over there? Here it's 1:20 am or 01:20
Okay. And that is for you to set terms I guess I don't really know what that is either.
Well I'm out of my sleeping medicine so I won't be sleeping tonight. Other than that I'm good xd
I'm good and bad at the same time xd