I'd be surprised if there were more than 30 people at the booth
You know what, I hope that KHV will never one day become cancer that is killing the internet.
Banned for being obsessed with that hack saw :cold:
I kind of prefer the Gamecube version, no reason, that's just what I grew up with. Also I hear that its coming to XBLA and PSN this September.
Thug life Spoiler
To all members of KHV: Do not become the cancer that is killing the internet.
MFW I still own the game and should really pop it back in for nostalgia ride 101
Its just something I believe, sure I can't change it but I'm just saying hopefully one day someone can.
"Guys he's too smart what do we do?" "Well since he's smart he must have a lot of money!" "GENIUS! SUE HIM UP TO KINGDOM COME!"
Does anyone remember these things?
Banned for not accepting its over I'm sorry honey, we just can't be together TT_TT
Exactly what I mean by its a cycle, I wish people would raise each other in their own unique and thoughtful way instead of creating the same people. It is the people who are different that make a difference in this world, and right now I say we need someone to make a difference
Banned for not picking up the soap
Wait.......Japan cares about morality? This is the same country that has arcade games were you control a butt right? God times have changed
Fucking hell why'd you do that?
I feel like playing Sonic Adventure 2 again
Either one will do, I just want to know what's going on so I can know when to come in and so I don't post anything that doesn't make sense.
I played the demo yesterday, it was good but really short as tits
I saw it yesterday, it was.....ok, can't say I really enjoyed it that much.
Ok guys, since I'm going to start soon, would someone please update my on whats going on in the RP?