Now there is not going to be a Bully 2, which sucks, but at least these talented folks can go and make GTA V perfect :-)
Ok, I know a lot of people are going to say "I HAVE IT TOO! WHO CARES?!?" or "Yawn, who gives a crap?" but.... I finally got Source Film Maker! Spoiler about time Thank you Gabe!
That's a good quote from him, but I prefer: "........................"
No way! Morgan Freeman can't die! He's god! His amazing cousin Gordon Freeman on the other hand has passed away from a heart attack! Spoiler RIP the one and only Freeman. 1998-2012
Guys! Gordon Freeman's voice actor died ;_;
Am I the only one who gets kind of mad when a Youtube video is in another language. I mean, I know I should know that not everyone speak English but its just a pet peeve of mine.
RIP Mermaid Man Yep guys its official, Earnest Borgnine, classic telivision actor and the voice actor of Mermaid Man, has passed away....
persona 4 icon? Win! :-O
Your name is not appearing on the community page, I can't find you! D: If you want you can add me, my Steam ID is: psychonautsmaster, which is no currently named "Shiro"
Ok KHV, every invite or message I get on Steam is starting to bug me, I cross my fingers and hope that its Source Film Maker, but no, instead some random jack-off has to send me a stupid ass invite to his stupid ass group so that they can spam stupid ass "event starting" messages on my computer! It's making me crazy KHV! Why must I wait so long while everyone gets to have the awesomeness of SFM?
Mine are on shuffle as well, but they change every 5 seconds because I'm an impatient person :-I
I guess it would be creepy, but if my closes friend who I've known for almost 8 years admitted to having something supernatural, I would still trust them, they've never done anything bad to me before so why would they now? I guess I really shouldn't question fiction, some things were never made for logic, some things you just gotta say to yourself "Ok, shut up, and enjoy whatever you're watching". That's what I said to myself watching Dragonball Z, and in the end, I enjoyed it :3
*Claps with joy* But this isn't a Thief thread, this is a Deus Ex thread :-I
Hey KHV, how come in comics/movies/anime/games when there's something about someone who has powers and they have "normal friends", when the "normal friends" find out that they have powers they call them "Creeps" and tell them to stay away from them? If my friends had powers, I think it be pretty freaking awesome! I would be jealous sure, but it be awesome to know one of my friends can do something sweet! Would you guys call me a creep if you found out I was, I don't know....psychic? (Just using it as an example)
I think there was something that Edios hinted at that could lead to Thief IV actually
Angel Investigations "Now my dear, when you see your father...relate to him, these words....""Prepare for unforeseen consequences""
Doctor we need your help defusing this atom bomb!
Opening the inside of a rats anus that's what we should talk about.
Trying to resist yelling casuals out in front of all of KHV