Just wait until we get to sixty-nine
Yep, the female end of my laptop has been broken. I can't charge it, I have to hold it on a certain position in order for it to work, but tough shit on that cause its 0 percent now and whenever I hold the charger on a certain position it still doesn't work, I turn it on and it just flashes off. There's nothing I can do, I called the repair guys, I've even asked my step dad, nothing. Time to save up for a desk top while borrowing my girlfriends computer just to finish up on video projects I have to do for school. Joy luck I'm having right now, my PS2 is broke, I've lost interest in my Xbox I've decided to join PC master race but can't due to me being the ****** of the master race. How was your day KHV?
Kingdom Hearts III: Everyone in the world gets a Keyblade, yes even the "special kid" in school gets a Keyblade Terra admits he was never possessed, the whole time he ran away from home. That kid you see traveling the worlds? Its Terra's Nobody. Kairi finally gets a useful role, her job is to make sandwiches for Sora and Riku Donald and Goofy discuss to Mickey how the economy in Disney town has been shit ever since he left, Minnie is like the Mitt Romney of Disney. Ven makes a Facebook and adds all of the "friends" he made in BBS, sadly due to him only starting small talks with them, he added them to the "acquaintance" list and never speaks to them again, the only things he gets from them is a simple like for a group photo of him and Terra and Aqua adding more "jump the shark" moments to Kingdom Hearts. At the final boss, which is Walt Disney and Nomura combined by Master Xehanort to make an all out monster to discover the true DARKNESS, Sora turns into Neku Sakuraba's icon reviling his true identity, Saro. Donald and Goofy revile their true identity which of course as you know it, is Dolan and Gooby.
Idiots who don't know anything about the internet do. Sadly my stepfather keeps defending IE without admitting all of its flaws. Keep telling him Firefox is master race.
I get the feeling people are going to base most of the names from video games. When I have a daughter, I'll name her Aigis. Ok I know I said unique, but I always thought that Becky was the cutest average name you could name someone.
I've been experimenting with names lately and I want to know if anyone knows any pretty and unique names. I've only thought of Trinity and Faith.
Sorry, its a shit game and people need to accept it. Capcom is almost as worse as EA.
Well gang, looks like this mystery is still unsolved.
Shall I summon the forbidden one?
Yes but I offered 4 before, which is not allowed, than I picked two that I really wanted. Currently out of those 4, they're the only ones I can think of.
Creepypasta time. Spoiler As you may know, the popular show "Ed, Edd, and Eddy" has been running for a long time. However, between October 7th, 2003 and October 21st, 2003 episode 34 was accidentally released one week before it was scheduled to. It was also known to some around the office the primary writer had been sick with the flu, and instead of going on to make episode 34, the show was supposed to replay episode 1. At 5:00am eastern, people reported a very disturbing new episode premiering on Cartoon Network - some children were unfortunate enough to see it. Apparently the quality of the episode was mediocre when held to the regular standards. Animation was choppy, sound was constricted and very muffled. Reports of a line running up and down, similar to a crappy VHS tape were received. Scenery was described as "overwhelmingly dark and depressing without changing props and other background objects; stormy looking." Characters also behaved oddly. Instead of the normal goofy, hi-jinks inspired personalities, viewers complained they seemed extremely agitated, gratuitously hateful toward each other, and constantly about to begin sobbing after the lines. The protagonist also had a very bad lisp - no one knows why, but he spoke with a sexual tone and that further bothered the viewers. I was one of those viewers. The episode began with Eddy walking down the street with Ed. I noted the third Ed was missing. There was an angular shot coming from in-front of the two to show them walking toward the viewer. He (Eddy) was wearing the angry look he does when something goes wrong, his eyes were red around the iris. Ed looked absolutely forlorn and practically dragged behind Eddy, tears in his eyes - which were both lazy and looking in opposite outward directions. Kevin, the series antagonist was riding his bike opposite of the Eds, toward them. The shot became blurry and low moans were heard coming from Eddy before Kevin hit him- which never happened because the screen went to black. The screen then snapped back and Kevin was again headed toward Eddy- the view was so blurry this time all I saw was a green blob headed toward a yellow one. Again, the low moan, only this time it sounded like the microphone was broken and loud static came, greatly overshadowing the moan. A claymation sequence of Double D sleeping in Eddy's bed came up. Honestly it may have just been the abruptness, but I jumped and shivered. Waking up and getting out of bed, he moved oddly around the circular room, the fast pitter-patter of footsteps being the only audio. The steps' sounds were very clear as I was shown a birds-eye of him scampering around the room. There were no visible doors. Edd began screeching (sounded like a Fisher Cat) as he moved wildly around the cell of a room faster and faster until the screen began blurring again, the purple room's color swallowing a now orange blur. An extreme close-up of Eddy's front door sat, in absolute silence for a maddeningly long time - at least two minutes of dead silence and a door. Next we see Jimmy and Sarah at a doctor of some sort (probably oral). Jimmy, obstructed in view by a hanging lamp, is crying loudly with Sarah trying to comfort him in an unusually warm fashion. 'It hurts Sarah... it hurts...' Suddenly, the door of the room in smashed open by a new character, a dentist. His face wasn't shown because he was tall enough to be out of the shot. Sarah was escorted out of the room, Jimmy was shown. His head gear was mangled, the front bent upward, stretching his lip very high- tearing proportions. The front of his gums was trickling blood, and teeth were missing. The disturbing part was he had lost both arms and legs beforehand apparently, and sat a paraplegic. I almost cried as I came to the conclusion the others had beaten him up and bent his head gear. The camera stayed on his mangled face for a few seconds, still as a picture, silent as ever. Commercials came on. We are instantly assaulted with a very hairy Rolf in his darkened shed fisting the cow repeatedly. The visual loops and gets blurry again as the scene pans out. Nazz is reading a magazine on her couch. The quality is now perfect. Eddy is now alone, without Ed. The quality declines worse than before and he is still walking, the sun now lightening the mood somewhat as he smiles and begins running. The door is shown again and we see through Eddy's eyes as he reaches out and opens it. His house is nice and bright, but a very badly played violin is blaring- the only audio in this scene as he makes his way through the house. Eddy opens the door to his room. Johnny is shown under Nazz's couch cushion as he crawls out on all fours in a comedic way and pops up behind her, still oblivious. I laughed because someone forgot to draw his eyes and I thought of a mole. Suddenly I stopped laughing as he starting swallowing her head, still in a cartoonish fashion of course, but this was different. He and she stayed like this until she started kicking and struggling. Johnny held her like this until she went limp. A zoom in on his face revealed extremely small, human eyes. Double D was laying on Eddy's floor, no longer in claymation. The camera showed Eddy's house for the remainder of the episode (about 3 minutes), and the next program began on the spot.
I've made my decision for the two I want to see. Gangnam Style and One Reason.
Its over, Resident Evil is finished.
http://www.ign.com/articles/2012/10/01/resident-evil-6-review http://www.gametrailers.com/reviews/c3rlf7/resident-evil-6-review http://www.gamespot.com/resident-ev...pslot;ResidentEvil6Review;ResidentEvil6Review Spoiler I knew this was going to happen, I knew it ever since RE5, I knew it, I knew it, I knew it
Saro, Dolan, Gooby.
Of course, its a famous Copypasta. Its so famous, it turned into a musical :D Probably just the usual argument about consoles or arguing about what country is better.
I wanna know the "clever" comment that person left behind for someone to go to that magnitude to type out all of that.
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.
Ahhh I love it X3 <3