*hugglez back*
me too xP
*pokes side*
im just trying to fix my sonic picture for a contest :lolface:
Im good how are yoooou?
noooothin :lolface: :p
hai thar *smiles*
*giggles* .
hiez! :glomp:
^ this .
Sinder jumped in with the two in her pod. She kind of got mad because she believed that she was Mya's gaurdian and didn't want her to go in a different pod. This slight anger, though, was unnoticeable on Sinder's emotionless face.
tis an awesome sig
*ninja glomps you*
I love you too.
I haz to go wash dishes ill be back later :kiss:
haha silly *hugglez*
Gracias ^^ the face was killer to do :sweat:
*insert image here*
*tries to resist eyes but gives up* ok ok you win xD
Both of them are very great pictures! On the first one i just think the smuging by the g in fang is too smudged I love the patches of white in the second one, it gives an interesting part to the picture