*hugglez back* ok
Hiiiieeeezzz!!!! :glomp:
Sinder smiled at the boy. "Yeah. It's really pretty when it rains." She leaned back on him a little.
I haz to go sweetie :cryinganime: I love you :kiss:
idk :lolface:
*kisses nose then sits up*
*smiles *
*snugglez and kisses cheek*
*falls on floor* ok ok you win xP
Nooooeeez *tries to run faster*
*starts sprinting and gets farther from you*
*runs faster*
*breaks from hug* betcha cant catch me! *starts running*
youre welcomez ^^
*tickles a little*
*pokes ribs*
do you wants one? *holds out cookie*
*giggles *
*listens to heart*
thankies ^^ *omnoms cookies*