*giggles and tries to grab your hands*
whats that?
Sinder smiled as Vaughn tightened his grip and laid his chin on her head. "Well it's good that you're warmer." She laid back on him more.
*lays head on chest*
*smiles *
I lurves you too *nuzzles*
*kisses and hugglez back*
Yesh!!! ^^
"Aww I'm sorry that you were cold," Sinder said to him. Then she closed her eyes and nuzzled him gently.
haha how is you?
*pokes mosterest*
*pokes more than you* noez not the emo corner *pulls you out and hugglez*
*pokes back* *hides*
Yesh, yesh you are :P (noez the line stealer has returneded D: )
*smiles* silly :p
I haz returneded MUAHAHAHAHA!!!
Yesh!!! :lolface:
What? :=D:
Sinder's face turned crimson as Vaughn wrapped his arms around her. "I've always loved how the rain made the forest so beautiful." She tried to keep the conversation going so there wouldn't be an akward silence.
*smiles and kisses cheek back*