I know who I am meant to be so I will always wear a smile.
I have been offline for a few days and I began to wonder who I was. Before I left I was told my constant questions had cost me the chance to befriend someone and that effected me quite a bit. So I decided to stop asking questions completely in both online and real life. Doing that very thing cause total silence for me. I didn't have anything to say to anyone not my mother, my father or my brother. I basically went six days not saying a single word to anyone. It was then I thought "Who am I?" and asking that question to myself in thought made me realize that me asking so many questions is part of who I am. My identity is the quiz master who tries to be there for everyone else. If you don't like my identity then tough! You have no say in who I am. And now I am wondering who are you? So the point of this thread is for you to think about it and tell us who you are.
I am gonna have to call it a day Because my laptop may force me away It is acting up in it's old age So I will not be able to often return to this...
Laptop is acting up may not be on much.
HoT I wish to speak with you in a PM, but since you have those privacy settings I can't start one so you will have to start it.
I think of a Brony being any guy who is a fan of the show.
Well perhaps we have different interpretations of what a Brony is then.
Care to explain what you mean HoT?
Wait your a brony too?
Banned because ferroseed is a Pokemon. HoT asked what Kind of pokemon we were after all.
Banned because I am a Ferroseed.
Digimon and Pokemon shows from my youth And now I shall speak truth I was obsessed with the digital creatures big and small And to me Wizardmon...
It is about being trapped in a game The fact it isn't real is a real shame I'd play it regardless of what I know And I just love that god damn show!
Lol well I became Klein because of a little group I am now part of.
I normally don't but I felt like a change. I think this is the third Avatar I've had here.
Banned because I decided it was time for a change.
I feel so honored right now.
His name is Klein He is from the Anime Sword art Online I became him with a smile Since like me he has style!
I am well Fuzzy.
A great day for a new theme.