Banned because I just remembered what the first scene I ever saw in any RPG game was.
Banned because I am a member here and I always will be.
Banned because I am Oda and I don't know why you have ignored me.
Banned because I have no idea who that is in your avatar.
Banned because I have no problem with you but I do admit fault on some of my past questions.
Banned because that is great to hear.
Banned because I don't even know why Naz has me ignored.
That is Klein from Sword Art Online.
Yeah I go invisible when I don't want to be noticed. I am surprised you noticed that though. People I always talk to still haven't noticed that yet.
What do you Mean?
Banned because that is good to know.
I used to only watch the English dubs but then I saw my brother watching Hellsing in Japanese. I watched the first episode with him then got the English version myself and it just seemed dull compared to the Japanese version. It was then i started to look for the Japanese with English subs because the violence was better.
Banned because i just don't care.
I named mine after what ever they reminded me of. For example my Meow meow is called Meowth and my Bat is named Rouge.
Banned because I have little reason to ignore such an awesome person!
Banned because I still have enough power to ignore you!
Indeed Asuna.
I can only do so much these days.
Banned because I have little power these days.
Banned because I wanted to post somewhere besides my Discussion thread.