Ah I am most pleased and I don't recall talking to you before but I have a bad memory with some things. Anyway I am having a pleasant day how...
Hello Administrator Misty I felt like saying hello today. But tell me have you heard of me on here?
Banned because doing what I always do is what makes me who I am.
Oda heard every question Kaya asked and you could tell it annoyed him and at that moment he opened a portal to another world. He entered it and it closed behind him. He found himself in Neverland where on Captain hook's ship when a lost boy bumped into his back. Captain hook and crew were watching from the other side of the ship while there was a ticking in the water. Oda saw the ticking was coming from a crocodile and he grabbed the boy who ran into him and threw the boy into the Crocodile's mouth. Oda then brought out his sword and walked towards the pirates. And with each step the fear in them all grew and slowly they begged for strength and one by one they all turned into heartless. As Smee turned into a heartless Captain Hook was left alone and he called out to the darkness to empower him so he could avenge his crew. Oda smirked at that moment and sent a Ball of darkness at hook to absorb turning him into a powerful heartless. Spine was on board the Gummi ship but was lost in thought so he failed to respond to Louvel's words.
Banned for banning me for being me.
Mr Bloo Mr Bloo What i say here is true I barely see you around And the reality I have found Will be stated below this And you can not dismiss My...
Banned because I always do.
Banned because I had to step in.
I have been rping since 2007 and I honestly know I am not a pro rper I still see myself as a newbie. And to be honest you are sound quite...
Perhaps you should take a break then. Get offline for a while and clear your head. The people with big egos will still be here when you get back...
I do admit Some people get egos too big to control because I know I did. But I also know that what goes up must come down so eventually everyone...
Then how do you plan to fix that?
I still respect you mate and I know I have caused my share of problems by being stubborn. As have you on some occasions. Although I would like you...
Naz I am happy with who I am. I am also sure you are happy with who you are too. And I can say I will always follow what you write because they...
Banned because that is fair and I am gonna go sleep now.
Banned because my post was only silly to the basic fans.
Banned because we all have our own stories, there are some die hard fans and there are some basic fans. But we all have one thing in common. Our love for this wonderful Game based Community.
Banned because I wouldn't be here if I didn't. It was seeing that back then that made me a FF fan and ultimately lead me to KH.
I hope you are well.
Banned because it was Aeris's Death scene in FF7 when I was 6 years old.