Banned because of that moment of stupidity.
What on earth happened?
Banned because you can't find a fanfic in the writer's nook called A Limitless word?
Banned because atleast I got you to read it Nas.
Banned because When I write it I will tell you what it was you inspired then you would be able to figure it out.
You should listen because if you don't he will never stop stalking you.
Banned because yes you have and if you go read my fanfic I am sure you will be on the edge of your seat since you will have no idea what it could be.
Banned because you have given me a plot idea for a future chapter of my fanfic A Limitless world.
Banned because I'll be honest I want confirmation on something before I do.
Banned because I have to work on my fanfic soon too.
Banned because if you mean revive the Rhyme game i will have to wait a little while since I have become kind of busy.
Banned because I couldn't forget anything even though we were at odds for a while.
Banned because I knew you liked those words.
Banned because of the Enigmatic Hydrangea.
Banned because you should really tell us something we didn't already know.
Banned because I try to befriend everyone but they need to make the first move this time.
In that case I may just tune in.
Banned because sometimes you just need the right subject.
I am actually finding it hard to start a proper conversation with you Misty which is really weird for me.
Banned because you don't have any friends because if you did you wouldn't be bored.